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Free Agent Profile: Jose Iglesias, 2B

Jose Iglesias, 2B

Position: 2B B/T: R/R
Age: 34 (01/05/1990)

2024 Traditional Stats: 291 PA, .337/.381/.448/.830, 91 H, 4 HR, 19 2B, 39 R, 26 RBI
2024 Advanced Stats: 137 wRC+, 13.4% K%, 4.1% BB%, .382 BABIP, .312 xwOBA, 2.5 fWAR, 3.1 bWAR, 2 OAA, 4 DRS


Jose Iglesias’ 2024 season was one seemingly torn right from the pages of a Hollywood script. After taking a year away from baseball in 2023, Iglesias signed a minor league deal with the Mets in December 2023. He didn’t make the Opening Day roster, instead starting the year with Triple-A Syracuse.

The infielder went on to let his play on the field do the talking, hitting .273/.309/.442 in 175 plate appearances. With the Mets looking for a spark after emerging from May as one of the worst teams in MLB, Iglesias earned a call-up to the bigs. And that’s when the magic started to happen.

Iglesias absolutely raked from the minute he got to the majors, giving the Mets a boatload of unexpected production from the bottom of the lineup. The veteran’s batting average never dipped below .300 after his season debut. Iglesias went on an absolute tear in September, finishing the month on a 22-game hit streak. During that span, he hit .395/.429/.477. He also took over leadoff duties down the stretch while Francisco Lindor dealt with a back injury.

What was arguably most impressive about Iglesias’ breakout year was his ability to come up clutch. Time and time again, in the biggest moments, Iglesias could be relied upon to deliver a big-time hit. He slashed .375/.419/.482 with runners in scoring position in 2024. Furthermore, the righty bat was even more clutch with two outs and runners in scoring position, hitting an incredible .440/.500/.560. Iglesias also came up big on a couple of occasions in the NLDS, further highlighting his ability to elevate his game on the biggest stage.

In total, Iglesias hit .337/.381/.448/.830 for the Mets last year, setting career-highs in fWAR (2.5) and bWAR (3.1) despite playing in just 85 games.

Defensively, Iglesias did what was asked of him by the Mets at both second and third base. He logged 477 innings at second, recording 1 DRS (Defensive Runs Saved) and 0 OAA (Outs Above Average). While at the hot corner, he racked up 4 DRS and 2 OAA in 130 frames.

Of course, it is fair to wonder if Iglesias just got lucky and struck gold in 2024. After all, prior to last year, he had spent much of his career bouncing around, having quick cups of coffee in a slew of different markets without ever really sticking anywhere following his stint with the Detroit Tigers from 2013 to 2018. It is also fair to argue that what Iglesias did in 2024 was a one-off, especially considering that he’ll be 35 years old next year.

Some of the underlying metrics back that concern up. For instance, he ranked near the bottom of the league in xSLG, average exit velocity, barrel percentage, hard hit percentage, chase rate and, walk rate. Furthermore, Iglesias’ BABIP (batting average on balls in play) was .382 during the regular season; nearly 70 points above his career average.


Iglesias earned $1.5 million in 2024. After what he did last year, he should expect a raise on that salary for the 2025 season. The Athletic projects that Iglesias could garner a deal worth as much as $8 million.

Should Iglesias earn a starting second baseman job elsewhere, somewhere around that mark per year would probably be a fair price, all things considered. But, if Iglesias were to return to Queens as a backup infielder, a marginal rise on the $1.5 million he earned in 2024 could also work depending on his market.


It makes a ton of sense for the Mets to bring Iglesias back on a short-term, team-friendly deal. Iglesias himself has made it clear that he would be open to returning to Queens.

Taking into account everything we’ve mapped out above, it would be foolish to expect 2024 levels of production from him in 2025. Regression will be par for the course for what will be a 35-year-old infielder next year. However, if used in the right role, Iglesias could remain really effective.

Be it as a backup to Jeff McNeil, or as part of a platoon with Luisangel Acuña, Iglesias would bring plenty to the table. He would deepen the roster, which is important. His new approach at the plate makes him a threat, and he offers solid defense at second and third base, as well as at shortstop.

Plus, there are all of the intangibles with Iglesias. The veteran became a huge part of that Mets locker room last year. He was at the very heart of the good vibes that helped carry this team to the NLCS. He’s an easy guy to root for thanks to his infectious personality and his admirable work ethic. Furthermore, the Mets went 66-40 after Iglesias was called up and 52-33 in games he appeared in. He was a vital part of the special run this team went on in 2024.

In order to get past the Los Angeles Dodgers and reach the World Series, the Mets need depth and role players who can step up in the biggest moments and play hero ball. Iglesias ticks a lot of boxes and he carries a lot of value as a versatile, backup infielder. He should be on the Mets’ 2025 roster.


The post Free Agent Profile: Jose Iglesias, 2B appeared first on Metsmerized Online.

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