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Новости от TheMoneytizer

Pacific Region

Can't just focus on the "China" thread or the "Russia" thread as it pertains to the happenings in the Pacific region, thus this thread. Because, due to Putin's weakness and growing desperation, he has opened up to the Chicoms for assistance and has dropped the previous anti-China stance of the old USSR. The Chicoms have Putin by the short hairs and are winning all kinds of concessions from Moscow as it pertains to eastern Russia. To that end, Russia and China have entered a "new era of cooperation" especially in the Pacific region. Just recently Russia and China engaged in a joint navy training exercise on the Sea of Okhotsk. As recently as 2011 if a Chinese vessel tried to enter the Sea of Okhotsk it would have been fired on by Russian forces there. Now, Putin has invited the Chicoms in. Many pundits think China is just playing Putin for the fool he is, and will eventually seize total control of that area, which will include Kamchatka. But for now, there is the appearance of cooperation between Russia and China.

This has rightfully alarmed Japan, as they are the closest of our allies in that region and are the most threatened if indeed, Russia and China truly join forces. Japan has been increasing its defense spending for years and will continue their military buildup. But Japan cannot hope to stand alone against China and especially not against a joint China-Russia operation. Russia's biggest threat in that area are their nuclear subs, of which there is a base on Kamchatka. Russia has a small, insignificant surface fleet stationed there. But China has been building up its navy.

Japan has fortified its northern-most island which "covers" the exit of the Sea of Okhotsk into the Pacific Ocean. This island, Hokkaido, has become the home of a strong Japanese military presence, including a navy base, an air force base, and an army base. It holds strong missile batteries composed of both anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles. But, most importantly, Japan has been seeking and getting alliances with her (our) allies. Australia and New Zealand maintain a naval station on a Japanese island designed to house personnel and serve as a repair and resupply depot for their ships operating near Japan.

And there is this, Japan and the UK have just entered into a strong alliance of mutual defense accords. The Brits are building their own navy base in Japan to house the HMS Prince of Wales task force. The Prince of Wales is one of two brand new carriers, along with its sister ship the carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, and a powerful task force is being built to support the Prince of Wales. It will include three subs, one ICBM sub, and two "hunters" which are smaller, faster attack subs tasked with destroying enemy subs. There will be an array of support vessels to include two cruisers, four destroyers, and four frigates. And the British Marine Corps will have its own base of operations in Japan. This will include two amphibious landing ships and a helicopter carrier. A brigade of British marines expected to number 5,000 combat marines, plus support personnel, will eventually be assigned to the Japanese base.

The Chicoms called this new Japan-UK alliance "provocative," even as they strengthened their alliance with Russia. Hypocrites!

Trump should be pleased our allies are not depending on the US for their defense. But, of course, the US Pacific Fleet is still the single, strongest force operating in the Pacific region.

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