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Новости сегодня

Новости от TheMoneytizer

Cadbury’s is STRIPPED of prestigious title after 170 years – alongside 100 other iconic brands

CADBURY’s has been stripped of a prestigious title after 170 years – alongside 100 other iconic brands.

Controversially, the chocolate giant is missing from the 400 companies awarded with the King’s royal warrant this year – a prestigious mark of recognition.

Cadbury’s has been stripped of the King’s royal warrant[/caption]

All the companies who’d been denied the accolade were informed via letter, according to the Mail on Sunday.

These also included Unilever, which makes the nation’s most crowd-dividing spread, Marmite, the newspaper understands.

Cadbury‘s was first awarded the title – which is designed to recognise the supply of goods of services to the royal household – by Queen Victoria in 1854.

Chocolate-loving Queen Elizabeth II, who famously loved Cadbury’s Bourneville, ensured the beloved confectionery company held onto the award throughout her reign between 1955 and 2022.

But it is believed that health-loving Charles may be less enamoured by the nation’s favourite chocolate brand.

Julian Payne, former communications secretary to the King, previously told the Times all about the King’s healthy routine, which includes a five-step workout plan and a nutritious diet.

He said: “He generally consumes extremely healthy, organic food and doesn’t drink much alcohol.

And Australian politician Steven Miles told The Sun how the monarch turned down his homeland’s signature Lamington cake, a sponge dipped in chocolate and coconut, while on a trip to Queensland.

As well as Cadbury’s, 100 other companies have been removed from the list.

This could either be because they have failed to hold onto the award or decided not to reapply – or because their application is still pending, as in the case of health and beauty retailer Boots.

Other chocolate makers that did make the list include Cadbury’s competitor Nestle and after-dinner-treat experts Bendicks of Mayfair.

Prestat – one of London oldest chocolate shops – has also received the warrant.

Cadbury’s is responsible for some of the UK’s best-selling choco products – including Heroes, a Christmas favourite.

It has recently also introduced some brand new additions – including the Breakaway Cookie Dough X Twirl Bar.

And it has reintroduced some old favourites – like the white chocolate Creme Egg and Caramilk Crunchie Bites.

However, the brand has controversially axed some festive favourites this season – including Dairy Milk Daim Little Robins.

A spokesperson for Mondelez International, which owns Cadbury’s, told The Sun: “Cadbury is a much-loved brand that has been a part of British life for generations, and remains the nation’s favourite chocolate.

“Whilst we are disappointed to be one of hundreds of other businesses and brands in the UK to not have a new warrant awarded, we are proud to have previously held one, and we fully respect the decision.”

A spokesperson for Unilever said: “We are very proud of the long history our brands have supplying the Royal Household and of the Warrants they have been awarded during this time, most recently by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

“The granting of Royal Warrants is a matter for the Royal Household.”

How to save money on chocolate

We all love a bit of chocolate from now and then, but you don't have to break the bank buying your favourite bar.

Consumer reporter Sam Walker reveals how to cut costs…

Go own brand – if you’re not too fussed about flavour and just want to supplant your chocolate cravings, you’ll save by going for the supermarket’s own brand bars.

Shop around – if you’ve spotted your favourite variety at the supermarket, make sure you check if it’s cheaper elsewhere.

Websites like Trolley.co.uk let you compare prices on products across all the major chains to see if you’re getting the best deal.

Look out for yellow stickers – supermarket staff put yellow, and sometimes orange and red, stickers on to products to show they’ve been reduced.

They usually do this if the product is coming to the end of its best-before date or the packaging is slightly damaged.

Buy bigger bars – most of the time, but not always, chocolate is cheaper per 100g the larger the bar.

So if you’ve got the appetite, and you were going to buy a hefty amount of chocolate anyway, you might as well go bigger.

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