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Michelle Collins drops six huge teases about EastEnders’ explosive Christmas episodes

MICHELLE Collins has dished out a few festive treats with spoilers for EastEnders’ Christmas Day episodes.

The Cindy Beale actress will be at the heart of the action on the BBC One soap on Christmas Day, as her character’s affair with Junior Knight is exposed.

Michelle Collins has let slip a series of spoilers for EastEnders’ festive episodes[/caption]
It comes as her character Cindy Beale’s affair with Junior is exposed[/caption]
She promised ‘darkness’ and ‘humour’ in the sensational plotline[/caption]

Elaine Knight has discovered the shock connection between Cindy and her stepson – and EastEnders‘ two Christmas Day episodes are set to centre on their antics.

Michelle, 62, spoke to The Sun about the upcoming plotline – and offered a few clues of what to expect.

She told us she was “exhausted” at watching the festive shows back and said: “It’s fantastic to be involved in the Christmas storyline, and I just want to say thank you to Simon [Ashdown, writer] for writing those episodes.

“I feel really proud, also what EastEnders does so well, even though there’s darkness, there was also humour as well, which I think it really needed.

“It’s never a normal Christmas in EastEnders… and I never got to eat one bit of turkey either! Not even a spout, nothing!

“I don’t really remember very many Christmases in EastEnders but that was 25 years ago. I’ve not been involved in a Christmas episode as big as this one.

“What a Christmas! I don’t normally like to watch myself on TV or EastEnders really, so this was quite hard for me to watch!”

Michelle’s character Cindy first appeared in Walford in 1988.

She then returned in 2023 after a 25-year hiatus.

Now, she central to the 2024 plotline.

Despite rekindling her relationship with first husband Ian Beale and getting engaged, incriminating evidence captured on tape will expose her true love for ex-husband George and her scandalous affair with his son and her stepson, Junior.

Addressing the sensational plotline she teased: “It’s exhausting to watch but there’s so much going on and all the relationships going on.

“I think it’s really fantastic what they’ve done and I’m really excited, and it’s very different from last year.

“We did this at the end of October and the Square just, I remember going on, the snow looked incredible.

EastEnders facts and figures

THE beloved British soap has been captivating audiences for decades.

EastEnders follows the lives of the residents of Walford as they navigate love, loss, family drama, and community struggles.

Here’s the latest on:

“There was just something romantic and nostalgic about it, it was just so beautiful considering what was going to happen.

“There is something really special about filming Christmas in Albert Square, it brought back loads of memories for me.

“Colin does now call me the Greta Garbo of Albert Square! We have to give Carl credit, he’d directed it and Christmas is very hard to do.”

She then hinted: “That scene in the beginning with Mo, and Billy, and her coming out in the fur coat. I think it was really beautifully shot, it was far to good for EastEnders.

“It looked like a movie, it was just great. Also, there are so many people who work on these episodes.”

Giving a final teaser she added: “Snow, turkey, sprouts and a shovel! It’s a got a bit of everything for everybody.”

The first episode will air at 7.25pm on BBC One, and then viewers will face an agonising three hour wait until the second.

It will air post-watershed at 10.30pm according to the EPG details.


The soap has previously given a glimpse as to what fans can expect on-screen on the big day.

A teaser previously read: “Secrets and lies are set to throw a wrecking ball into the Beale family festivities this year as the shocking truth about Cindy is revealed in spectacular fashion on Christmas Day.

“The incriminating evidence captured on tape will expose Cindy’s true love for ex-husband George and her scandalous affair with his son, Junior.

“Cindy has nowhere to hide as all hell breaks loose in the Beale and Knight families, with fury and accusations flying on all sides.

“Across the Square, Denise Fox will be getting an unexpected Christmas present courtesy of an unlikely gift-bearer and find herself enjoying a very different day from the one she had last year.

“But, elsewhere as the yuletide warmth stokes up old feelings for some, for others, ghosts of Christmas past return.”

Meanwhile, other fans reckon they have worked out the show’s festive murder twist.

The duo’s infidelity will be at the heart of the festive drama – with massive repercussions[/caption]
EastEnders will air across two episodes on Christmas Day[/caption]
It is Michelle’s second stint on the BBC soap[/caption]

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