A CONTENT creator has revealed that she has spent £80,000 on surgery to get the ultimate, curvaceous figure.
But now, Zmeena Orr is debating getting a bum reduction, as she claimed that having such a large derrière can often be a big inconvenience.
Zmeena, who used to be an exotic dancer, explained that having a large booty can be a struggle, as she even needs help getting dressed because of it.
Revealing all to Truly, Zmeena admitted that she has undergone multiple surgeries to achieve her dream body – and it’s led to her making some serious cash.
The star, who has 4.3 million followers on Instagram, confessed: “I’ve spent over $100,000 [£79,400] on my curvy body.
“I love my curvaceous body but I’m honestly thinking about downsizing now.
“I’m considering getting a butt reduction because I literally have to get help to put my outfits on sometimes, aka to pull my pants up because my booty is so huge.
“I love it, but sometimes it can be a little bit of a struggle.”
The real estate investor, who grew up in The Bronx in New York, explained that she is often judged for her figure and high income, but she won’t let anyone get her down.
She added: “I always get a lot of hate, despite what others may think, I deserve it all.”
Zmeena shared that big bums became a trend and so she decided to go under the knife so she could partake.
She continued: “It was starting to become a trend growing up – huge hips, big butt, small, tiny waist.
“My mother used to call it the pear shape and she just idolised it and it really made me feel like I love that, I want that for myself.”
It was in her dancing days when she first had surgery, as she admitted: “I used to be an exotic entertainer and I felt like the girls around me, their bodies were super curvaceous, and I just couldn’t compete. I wanted to make bucks like them so I got surgery.”
But her bum isn’t the only thing she’s had done, as she acknowledged: “I’ve had my butt done over three times, I’ve had lipo about three times, my breasts done three times – I think three is my number.
I literally have to get help to put my outfits on sometimes, aka to pull my pants up because my booty is so huge
Zmeena Orr
“I also had fillers done, I’ve had my lips done. I love my lips.
“I’ve had jawline contouring done before – they kind of botched me and made me look kinda messed up, so right now I’m in the process of dissolving the rest of my fillers.
“Once I invested in my body and did everything I wanted to do to fix myself, my confidence went up and I was making fast money. I was able to pay to invest in my body.
Buttock enlargement surgery – known as a Brazilian bum-lift (BBL) – is used to make the bum look bigger, rounded and lifted.
Surgeons transfer fat, inject filler or insert silicone-filled implants.
It is the fastest growing cosmetic procedure but also one of the most dangerous, according to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS).
Many patients are travelling to the likes of Turkey or seeking out unregistered surgeons in the UK and are not given full information on the risks.
BBLs carry the highest risk of all cosmetic surgeries – with more than one death occurring per 4,000 procedures.
Due to celebrities undergoing such ops, many women are hoping to emulate their looks.
Consultant clinical psychologist Dr Anu Sayal-Bennett, a chartered member of the British Psychological Society, told the BBC: “Despite there being so much about body positivity, there are pressures for women – and men too – to look a certain way.”
Many people travel abroad for the procedure because it is cheaper and advertising is “terribly seductive”, combined with the idea of a beach holiday, added Dr Sayal-Bennett.
“The next procedure I plan on getting is a reduction, I’m not promising it, but I’m gonna go and see the doctor and see what the options are.
“My mother gave me my first $10,000 [£7,900] investment to get my body done, it was a really great investment. I was able to retire my mother because I made so much money with my new body.”
Not only has she enabled her mum to retire, but she’s also splashed cash on two Mercedes cars and a blue Lamborghini too.
It’s my body so I’ll get done whatever I need to get done to make sure I feel comfortable at all times
Zmeena Orr
But Zmeena shared her concerns on getting a reduction surgery, as she highlighted: “I think getting the butt reduction would probably make a lot of my fans angry and upset.
“I hope that my real [followers] stick beside me regardless.
“I live my luxury life unapologetically. A lot of my biggest haters are the ones that can’t afford to do what I’m doing. I’m still gonna have a booty, I have tons of it, it’ll just be a little smaller.
“I felt pressured to get plastic surgery but now I’m not pressured to do anything.
“I definitely do think I’ll give up plastic surgery altogether one day, I’m not addicted. It’s my body so I’ll get done whatever I need to get done to make sure I feel comfortable at all times.”