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Praying the holy name belongs to no one, but is a gift to everyone


The core of Christian prayer is humility. Such humility is displayed when hearts acknowledge their sins, call upon the name of the Lord, and seek his mercy. It is his mercy that opens the door to peace between himself and humanity and such mercy is found by invoking his name and relying upon its power.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church makes the observation: “This simple invocation of faith developed in the tradition of prayer under many forms in East and West. The most usual formulation, transmitted by the spiritual writers of the Sinai, Syria, and Mt. Athos, is the invocation, ‘Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners.’”

Of the many prayers a believer might know, there is none that goes above or develops beyond the simple yet profound prayer of calling upon God’s name in a humble confession of faith that seeks reconciliation with him.

The Catechism notes that the prayer for mercy “combines the Christological hymn of Philippians 2:6-11 with the cry of the publican and the blind men begging for light. By it, the heart is opened to human wretchedness and the Savior’s mercy.”

The prayer for mercy, therefore, can be seen throughout the Sacred Scriptures and especially in the New Testament accounts of the public ministry of the Lord Jesus. The prayer for mercy is inseparable from the invocation of God’s name.

While contemplative prayer can help the soul to soar to God, it is grounded upon the humble invocation of God’s name. There is no contemplation without the power of God’s name. The holy name, therefore, should be repeated often and used as a regular means to help us stay aware of God’s presence in our daily lives.

The Catechism teaches: “The invocation of the holy name of Jesus is the simplest way of praying always. When the holy name is repeated often by a humbly attentive heart, the prayer is not lost by heaping up empty phrases, but holds fast to the word and ‘brings forth fruit with patience.’”

The praying of the holy name is not restricted to any time or place. It belongs to no one. It is a gift to everyone. The holy name helps us to stay focused to loving God and our neighbor at all times. It is a quick but action-packed prayer that should not be underestimated. As Saint announces: “Therefore God also highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

When the holy name is spoken, love is unleashed. When the holy name is spoken, good things happen.

The Catechism teaches: “This prayer is possible ‘at all times’ because it is not one occupation among others but the only occupation: that of loving God, which animates and transfigures every action in Christ Jesus.”

Every action and movement of the believer can be inspired and directed by appeals to the holy name. It is the foundation and springboard of the spiritual life.

Once we realize the power of the holy name and give it reverence, we are led to the very heart of the Lord and the sorrowful way of his Passion. There in his heart, and through the way of his cross, we see the burning love he has for us and are further inspired to give our love to him and to those around us.

The Catechism explains: “The prayer of the Church venerates and honors the Heart of Jesus just as it invokes his most holy name. It adores the incarnate Word and his Heart which, out of love for men, he allowed to be pierced by our sins. Christian prayer loves to follow the way of the cross in the Savior’s steps. The stations from the Praetorium to Golgotha and the tomb trace the way of Jesus, who by his holy Cross has redeemed the world.”

As believers, we are to accept the guidance of spiritual wisdom, call upon the name of the Lord, petition for his mercy, draw close to his heart, and walk with him along the way of love, which is the way of his cross.

Father Kirby has relaunched his daily reflections. You can receive the daily reflections every morning in your in-box by signing up at: dailydiscipleship.org.

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