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‘They have to be erased’: Woman buys new phone at Best Buy. Then she tries to do the data transfer

"Busy is an understatement, today was chaos," says this burnt-out Best Buy employee. In a now-deleted video posted one day ago, Dallas Ponzo (@dallas_ponzo) details the chaos of helping three customers at the same time within an hour and a half during this busy holiday season.

"It’s the most wonderful time of the year," Ponzo captions the video.

Ponzo is known for their casual stories about the everyday chronicles of working at Best Buy. His smooth voice and simple storytelling arches have captured the attention of 299,800 followers.

His videos include all kinds of wacky stories about customers and a good amount of venting. The Daily Dot has previously covered Ponzo's Best Buy chronicles. In this article, he explains how a customer thought "hard drive" was the word for "desktop."

Best Buy data transfer gone wrong

Ponzo always seems ready to help customers with their requests, no matter how wacky. In this video, Ponzo tells viewers about one of his customers who wanted a data transfer onto a new phone they had bought. This is usually not an issue, except for the fact that the customer had to do a software update first. Ponzo mentions that since this customer was an elderly woman, they let the woman sit in a nice "rolly chair" while they waited for the update.

After 30 minutes, the software update was complete. However, the data transfer failed to get the information from her Apple Watch as well.

"I had to wipe it," says Ponzo. It is unclear why the Apple Watch wouldn't sync with the iPhone, but according to Ponzo wiping it was the only solution. Apparently, this is an Apple-vetted solution. Apple lists "Erase Apple Watch without the paired iPhone" as a solution to watches not syncing.

"When you erase Apple Watch instead of unpairing it, the watch is still protected by Activation Lock. Before you can pair Apple Watch again, enter the Apple Account and password that were used to set it up," says Apple's support page about syncing phones and watches.

But to make matters more stressful, Ponzo says the woman stumbled on the chair as she was getting up and fell back on the chair.

"I literally like rushed over there and was like 'Oh my god, are you OK?' and helped her up," he recounts. "One of the other customers I was also helping helped her up as well. Luckily, she was fine and her watch finished. So you know I asked if she needed anything else, and then she said no and left, but she could have died."

Viewers react in the comments

Viewers shared their own retail horror stories in the comments section as well as their Apple Watch tips.

"My leadership would not let me do this they’d just send them to geek squad," one comment said.

"Literally at my store we're busy is because our management cannot for the life of them schedule enough coverage even though we have the man power for it...its ridiculous XD," chimed in another.

"Fun fact.. Apple Watches never transfer over they always have to be erased and paired to the new phone," another user wrote.

"Work in retail as well & im truly ready for the holiday szn to be over like," a different user shared.

The Daily Dot has reached out to Ponzo for comment via TikTok message and comment and to Best Buy via email.

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The post ‘They have to be erased’: Woman buys new phone at Best Buy. Then she tries to do the data transfer appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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