New Delhi: The recent Test series between India and Australia has been overshadowed by off-field dramas, particularly involving cricket icons Virat Kohli and Ravindra Jadeja. Kohli’s tense encounter with a reporter at the airport regarding his family’s privacy, along with Jadeja’s choice of language at a press conference, has ignited conversations about the complexities of media relations in sports.
Virat Kohli’s irritation was clear when he came across journalists at the airport after the third Test in Brisbane. Known for protecting his family’s privacy, he showed his discontent as cameras were pointed at him and his kids. This led to a heated moment with a Channel 7 reporter, which was later revealed to be a misunderstanding. Kohli eventually relaxed after receiving assurances that his children wouldn’t be filmed, even offering a handshake to the cameraman afterwards.
In a different scenario, Ravindra Jadeja found himself in hot water during a press conference before the Boxing Day Test in Melbourne. The left-arm spinner chose to respond to questions in Hindi, leaving some Australian journalists feeling frustrated. The media conference was described as ‘strange and frosty,’ emphasizing the cultural and language challenges that can come into play in international sports contexts.
The Indian media team clarified that the press conference was meant for ‘travelling Indian media only,’ even though Australian journalists were present. This situation has opened up discussions about what athletes and media must uphold regarding respectful boundaries in their interactions.