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Matt Baker reveals future on Countryfile – and fate of hit Channel 4 series with parents after Christmas Specials

MATT Baker has revealed his future on Countryfile and the fate of his hit Channel 4 series with his parents after the Christmas Specials.

Matt’s festive family favourite – Matt Baker: Christmas Travels With Mum and Dad was recently back on our screens and fans adored it.

Paul Stuart/ Channel 4
Matt rose to fame after his role as a Blue Peter Presenter[/caption]
Big Circus Media
Mat discusses the future of his shows after the Christmas specials[/caption]
Charlotte Graham
Matt and has parents left their beloved Dales to sample the best Christmas offerings from neighbouring counties[/caption]

The show followed the Bakers as they left their beloved Durham Dales to sample the best Christmas offerings from neighbouring counties.

The previous Christmas specials have been huge hits and fans have been dying to know if the series will return.

Matt told The Sun: “yeah but I hope so, who knows what’s going to happen with the series?

“I don’t know to be honest but um uh I’m happy that we’ve got these Christmas specials that people can enjoy too.”

When asked about his future on Countryfile Matt replied: “Yeah I mean like I say with the production company we’re constantly making shows.

“And I do a lot of producing a lot of directing and all of that these days as well as presenting shows.

“So I’ve no plans to leave Countryfile. I mean you know I’m not on it as much as I used to be but I’m still very much part of that family.”

But does Matt get to pick and choose when he is on the show?

We put that question to him and he explains: “Yeah I mean it yeah exactly it differs.

“It depends on availability and what’s happening and what they’re doing with other presenters and stuff like that.

“But I don’t produce Countryfile so I’m not really party to those conversations.”

Matt has been a popular TV star since he first became a Blue presenter decades ago.

He has also co-presented Countryfile Summer Diaries on BBC One, along with Animal Rescue Squad and Animal Rescue Squad International for Channel 5.

Further to that he has co-presented BBC One‘s Countryfile on Sunday evenings and was recently a host of the BBC The One Show.

Countryfile presenting team

Agricultural programme Countryfile launched on the BBC in 1988. In its long history, the show's seen several presenters come and go. Let's take a look at the current line-up.

  • John Craven: The longest-serving presenter, having debuted in 1989, John is also known for his work on Newsround from 1972–1989.
  • Adam Henson: Adam, who comes from a farming family, joined the presenting team in 2001. His other media work includes BBC Radio 4’s Farming Today and BBC Two’s Lambing Live.
  • Matt Baker: Having joined the line-up in 2009, Matt also presented The One Show alongside Alex Jones from 2011 to 2020. Before that, he hosted Blue Peter from 1999 to 2006.
  • Tom Heap: Tom joined Countryfile in 2009 and in April 2012, he took over the investigative reporter role from John Craven. He has also presented The Climate Show on Sky News.
  • Helen Skelton: Another former Blue Peter presenter, she hosted the beloved children’s programme from 2008 to 2013. Helen joined the Countryfile team in 2014 and has competed in Strictly Come Dancing.
  • Anita Rani: Anita was added to Countryfile in 2015 and has presented other programmes for the Beeb including The Refugee Camp: Our Desert Home, among others.
  • Sean Fletcher: Newsreader and presenter Sean joined Countryfile in 2015. He is also known for Good Morning Britain, Songs of Praise and BBC Breakfast.

Matt also participated in the eighth series of Strictly Come Dancing, where he was partnered with professional ballroom dancer Aliona Vilani,

He finished in second place to the winners Kara Tointon and Artem Chigvintsev in the final.

In 2021, thanks to More4 series he gained further success in Our Farm in the Dales.

Matt also launched another programme with Janice and Mike – Travels With Mum and Dad which aired as a Christmas special recently.

He previously described the adventures he has with his parents as “real treasures”.

He said: “It’s such a treat for me to be able to head off and explore with my parents, we have such a laugh!

“All of these trips are planned around what I think my parents are going to love and I’m proud to say we haven’t picked a duff one yet.”

Matt Baker: Christmas Travels with Mum and Dad is available on More4.

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