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The benefits of nicotine replacement therapy: a path to quitting smoking for new years resolution

Why do so many people continue to endanger their lives like this? The answer lies in understanding the powerful grip of smoking addiction.

The dangers of smoking are well-documented and clear. On average, a long-term regular smoker loses about ten years of their life, with only half living beyond 70 compared to 80% of non-smokers1,2. Smoking not only threatens mortality but also significantly elevates the risk of debilitating conditions such as strokes, angina, emphysema, and high blood pressure1.

Yet, despite the overwhelming knowledge of these risks — 92.9% of South African adults acknowledge that smoking causes serious illness3 — 12.7 million adults in the country (29.4%) continue to smoke, as per the 2021 Global Adult Tobacco Survey3

Why do so many people continue to endanger their lives like this? The answer lies in understanding the powerful grip of smoking addiction.

Tobacco smoke contains thousands of chemicals, but it’s mainly the nicotine that keeps people hooked1. Nicotine rapidly reaches the brain, delivering a quick ‘hit’ that makes smoking so addictive. While nicotine itself has a tolerable profile, the other components of cigarette smoke, such as carbon monoxide and tar, are responsible for the severe health risks1.

These facts now well established, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) offers a beacon of hope1. NRT offers a method to combat nicotine addiction without the harmful chemicals found in cigarettes1. By providing a controlled amount of nicotine, NRT reduces withdrawal symptoms and helps manage cravings, significantly increasing the chances of quitting cigarettes1.

Over 100 placebo-controlled trials support the efficacy of NRT, showing it can double a smoker’s chances of quitting for 6–12 months4. Additional studies have shown that using NRT can increase the chances of quitting by about 50% to 60%5. This substantial evidence underlines the importance of NRT in smoking cessation strategies.

NRT comes in various forms, including gums, patch, nasal spray, inhalator and tablets5. Brands like Kenvue’s Nicorette, have become synonymous with quit-smoking aids, in conjunction with behavioural therapy. Nicotine gum, for instance, is particularly popular due to its effectiveness6.. To use Nicorette gum effectively, one should chew it slowly until a tingling sensation is felt, then place it between the cheek and gums7. This process helps manage the urge to smoke by providing a steady release of nicotine, easing the withdrawal process8.

Basic health education can also influence smoking habits9. A 10-year prospective intervention study conducted in India, for instance, saw 36,000 tobacco users initially surveyed for oral cancer and pre-cancer signs and then examined annually over the decade9. During each check-up, they received health education about the effects of their tobacco use9. By the end of the study, 11% of men and 37% of women had stopped using tobacco, compared to just 2% and 10%, respectively, in the control group9.

Research shows that all licensed forms of NRT improves the ability to successfully quit smoking5. While some smokers may experience mild to moderate side effects10, research consistently shows that NRT has a good tolerability profile and greatly improves the chances of quitting. By delivering nicotine in a controlled and safer manner, NRT allows smokers to gradually wean off their dependence, making the transition away from smoking more manageable10.

NRT represents a scientifically-backed, effective means to combat the nicotine addiction that keeps smokers smoking. As we continue to innovate and expand access to these therapies, brands like Kenvue Nicorette and other smoking cessation treatment will remain vital tools in the global effort to reduce smoking rates and improve public health. Quitting smoking is undeniably a difficult thing to do, but with the right tools and support, it’s an achievable and life-saving goal.


  1. Dawkins, L. Why is it so hard to quit smoking? Thepsychologist.co.uk. [updated May 2013]. Available from: www.thepsychologist.org.uk
  2. Doll, R., Peto, R., Boreham J. et al. (2004). Mortality in relation to smoking: 50 years’ observation on male British doctors. British Medical Journal, 328, 1519–1533.
  3. Global Adult Tobacco Survey South Africa Fact Sheet. Department of Health [updated April 2022]. Available from: health.gov.za
  4. Silagy, C., Lancaster, T. & Stead, L. et al. (2005). Nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation. The Cochrane Library, Issue 1. Chichester: Wiley
  5. Hartmann-Boyce, J. et al. (2018). Nicotine replacement therapy versus control for smoking cessation (review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Issue 5 
  6. Fagerström KO, Schneider NG, Lunell E. Effectiveness of nicotine patch and nicotine gum as individual versus combined treatments for tobacco withdrawal symptoms. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 1993;111(3):271-7. doi: 10.1007/BF02244941. PMID: 7870963. 
  7. Nicorette Gum 2 & 4 mg package insert. South Africa: Johnson & Johnson (Pty) Ltd; 2024
  8. WHO. Helping people to quit tobacco. A manual for Doctors and Dentists. Available from: www.who.int
  9. CDC. How to use Nicotine Gum. [Reviewed September 2023]. Available from: cdc.gov
  10. Shellack, N., & Bronkhorst, E. (2014). Smoking Cessation. South African Family Practice. 57(1)

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