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Our posh town is at war with GREGGS – we don’t want a greasy bakery chain on our high street but council don’t care

RESIDENTS in a posh town are at war with Greggs after a branch of the bakery chain opened on their historic high street.

More than 1,000 people in upmarket Swaffham, Norfolk, signed a petition and locals threatened a boycott after the chain submitted plans to move into a vacant unit.

A new Greggs store in Swaffham, Norfolk has sparked a war[/caption]
Helen Lepoidevin says the new Greggs will pose a risk to independent bakeries like Wellbread Bakers[/caption]
Frances Sampson believes the new store is a great addition to the town[/caption]
Emma and Andy Godfrey, owners of Wellbread Bakers, are concerned they may have to make layoffs if the new Greggs eats into their revenue[/caption]

Those opposed to the chain store said they were concerned about the impact the shop would have on the pretty Georgian high street.

Others highlighted it could kill off the popular family-run bakery, Wellbread Bakers, that’s less than 500ft away from the new store.

The outlet opened last month without planning permission but locals still held out hope that the local council would take enforcement action against Greggs.

However, town hall chiefs granted the bakery giant retrospective permission to remain open.

The store had filled the gap in a unit left vacant after a budget furniture store, QD Furtniture, closed last year.

While the chain did not need planning permission for use of the site, applications it lodged with Breckland Council did seek approval for an illuminated sign, a new A/C system, and an outdoor seating area.

A Breckland Council spokesperson confirmed: “Planning permission was not required for this shop to open.

“However, planning permission was required for the signage, which they obtained.”

The petition against the store’s opening was launched by Karl Chappell, a regular customer at the independent Wellbread Bakers store in town.

The shop has been based in Swaffham for several decades and its loyal customers were some of the more than 1,000 signatures on the petition.

Emma Godfrey, who runs the bakery alongside her husband Andy, said their business would be forced to make redundancies if passing trade was lost to the chain.

She said previously: “If Greggs decide in a year’s time that they don’t want to stay open in Swaffham, losing small businesses for the sake of one isn’t good for the town.”

Emma described how her bakery was making “just enough to keep going” and that the new Greggs could mean they lose some of their revenue.

The bakery owner also highlighted how the new shop may draw customers away from independent “hidden gem” coffee outlets in the town.

Residents remained split on the decision, with some calling it a welcome addition to the town as it provided “healthy competition” and “good value options”.

Helen Lepoidevin, 61, is not a fan of the new Greggs, and said: “I don’t even know where it is, I don’t want to know and I’ll never step foot in it. In that order.”


The retiree, who is a regular of Wellbread Bakers, added she fully supported the petition that objected to the new store.

She said: “I just think they’re going to come in and take over and we’re going to lose our little bakery.”

However, Greggs customer Leo Windsor, 19, was supportive of the new opening, calling it a “good addition” to the town.

He added: “If you’re confident in your business, you shouldn’t be scared of a little competition and it’s good choice for the customers.”

Joining him in the praise was retiree Frances Sampson, who said: “I was happy when it opened, I’ve just been in and bought two steak slices.”

She described the bakery giant’s sausage rolls as “amazing” and that “you can’t get them anywhere else”.

The retiree added: “You’ve got to have competition, it’s so much cheaper than going to Costa for a coffee, for example, and it’s good quality.”

Greggs was approached for comment by The Sun.

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