GRANDMOTHERS are famous for their good advice, backed by years of life experience.
One generous TikTok user has shared a pearl of wisdom from her own grandmother, just in time for Christmas.
Many of us can relate to the struggle of opening a fresh roll of tinfoil, only to find one strip stubbornly refusing to unfurl neatly – leaving a gigantic tear that gets worse the further you unroll.
It can be hard to pry the foil apart, and quickly leave you frustrated and flustered.
You may even resort to chucking the whole roll away!
Luckily TikTok user was passed down a quick fix from her grandmother – and now she’s sharing it with us.
Natali captioned the video: “This kitchen hack will save you money on buying a new foil.”
She showed viewers a foil roll with a large chunk stuck together – as she began to unroll the foil, a tear started to form.
Within seconds, the entire roll was a mangled mess.
To fix the issue, Natali ripped off a piece of the foil and scrunched it into a ball.
She used the scrunched foil to rub at the stuck area and strip-by-strip the foil released itself.
As Natali freed the last strip, she continued to unroll the foil.
And this time, the foil unrolled neatly and ready-for-use.
Viewers in the comments were blown away by how easy and effective the hack was.
One commented: “If this works …… this could be the hack of the century, I’m definitely trying it.”
A frustrated viewer wrote: “Not me seeing this after I threw a whole new pack in the bin ’cause it just wouldn’t roll out evenly.”
Someone else vouched for the hack, saying: “Best tip ever…. This is a nightmare when it happens but I tried and your tip works. So thanks.”
While another person, thinking ahead to their festive feast, wrote: “Simple yet effective, know i’ll use that over Christmas.”
And how can you avoid this happening in the future?
Better quality tinfoil is less likely to become stuck, as it is thicker and less flimsy.
Just beware that if you do fork out for the higher-end foil and it still sticks, you may need a larger ball of foil to fix the situation.
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