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Львова-Белова: состояние 3 пострадавших детей в Подмосковье удовлетворительное

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Cook County doula program should partner with existing doulas

The Cook County Department of Public Health's new doula program aims to address maternal mortality and birth complications. While this goal is commendable, the implementation strategy overlooks a crucial resource: the existing network of experienced doulas serving local communities.

The stakes are high. The U.S. maternal mortality rate stood at 22.3 deaths per 100,000 live births as of 2022. In Illinois, Black individuals face a maternal morbidity rate exceeding 1 per 100 live births — more than double the rate for white individuals. Birth justice-focused, culturally competent care is literally lifesaving.

Cook County plans to spend about $1 million annually through 2027 on a contract with Prism Health Care Services to hire 10 doulas. The selection of a suburban medical equipment provider without clear expertise in birth care or serving Black and Brown communities raises concerns about program effectiveness. The training approach for new doulas remains unclear, particularly regarding cultural competency and birth justice principles, and the choice of Prism Health Care bypasses numerous established nonprofit birth justice agencies and independent doula practitioners who have spent years building trust within marginalized communities.

The timing is particularly problematic as Illinois implements statewide Medicaid coverage for doula services. Rather than aligning with this initiative, Cook County's separate program risks creating unnecessary administrative complexity and potential service gaps.

The path forward requires meaningful collaboration with established doula communities, directing resources to support existing programs and practitioners, and integration with the state Medicaid program. This program must build up, not bypass, the existing infrastructure of experience and trust in the Black birthing community.

SEND LETTERS TO: letters@suntimes.com. To be considered for publication, letters must include your full name, your neighborhood or hometown and a phone number for verification purposes. Letters should be a maximum of approximately 375 words.

By partnering with established doula networks and providing sustainable funding to expand their reach, Cook County can create a more effective, culturally competent system of care that truly serves all birthing individuals equitably.

Mekazin Whitfield Alexander, co-founder and executive director of BA NIA Inc.; Star August Ali, founder and executive director of Black Midwifery Collective; Sonia Collins, co-founder and executive director of Sokana Collective

Sign of the times

It is a glaring example of the decline of American values that while Columbia College is scrapping its American Sign Language interpretation program, it is adding an online "beauty management program" to its offerings.

Richard Wetzel, Old Town

Trump keeps showing who he is

How interesting that now Donald Trump doesn’t have any problem abolishing the debt ceiling. Just one more example in the continuing list to demonstrate that this person has no principles other than what furthers his ego or wealth.

The horror of the next four years will only continue to grow. Too bad it will affect all of us and not just those who voted for him.

Peter Felitti, Ravenswood

Christmas isn’t about ostentatious displays

Honestly, I can't think of anything that sums up the spirit of Christmas more than spending thousands of dollars on lights for your house.

Isn't that what the holidays are all about? Showing how much more you can spend than a neighbor? Pathetic.

Mark Weiher, Chicago

Sending positive vibes to Chance

Sorry to see that Chance the Rapper and his wife couldn't keep their marriage together, but the good news is that the parting seems to be amicable. Also, as Chance once observed as he hosted Saturday Night Live, “Sometimes the second-best is better than the first.”

Jim Bruton, Avondale

Who Trump values

Wait until Donald Trump’s supporters finally realize the people he intends to serve as president are the white and the wealthy. If you are not both, you’re nobody.

Lauretta Hart, West Ridge

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Минцифры: 5 млн россиян оформили самозапрет на кредиты с начала марта

В СОУНБ пройдёт открытая арт-лекция «Художники запасной столицы»