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“It Sounds Like Governor Hobbs is Bound to be Guilty of Multiple Things” – Border Czar Tom Homan Suggests AZ Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs Will be “Behind Bars on Day 1” For Refusal to Comply With Mass Deportation Efforts

Incoming Trump Border Czar Tom Homan came out swinging against radical left state officials who defy federal border policy Wednesday, saying that Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs, who also stole the election from Kari Lake, may face “multiple” criminal charges and jail time “on day 1.”

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Katie Hobbs recently declared that she would not comply with President Trump’s promised mass deportation policies during a border PR stunt.

This comes after Trump confirmed on Monday that he will declare a ‘National Emergency’ on immigration and deploy the military to initiate mass deportations.

Hobbs fearmongered, claiming Trump’s border policies will “harm or terrorize our communities.” Her solution: continue facilitating the most deadly invasion in American history and allow rapists, murderers, and poisonous fentanyl to flood American cities.

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs Vows to Defy Trump Administration’s Mass Deportation Policies

While interviewing with ABC's Kyra Phillips last month, Hobbs pledged her allegiance to illegal aliens and claimed that the mass immigration through ports of entry is "the actual work happening."

However, as Ben Bergquam reported on his recent tour of the U.S.-Mexico border, these illegals are using Biden’s CBP One app, which has become the “primary vehicle” for mass illegal immigration for so-called asylum seekers, according to the National Immigration Forum. Mexico’s government has even been busing migrants to the U.S. border to get them to CBP One appointments. As The Gateway Pundit reported in June 2024, over 1 million illegals have been allowed into the U.S. through so-called “legal” means with the CBP One App and the CHNV program.

“Every single one of them has CBP One going through. They also have heavy cartel activity,” Bergquam said before explaining how the federal government has made the process “more clandestine.” ” Instead of having them go wait on the bridge to where everyone can see them and you can see them as you’re walking across the bridge, they are giving them concierge service,” says Bergquam.

Massive lines of illegals are now being shuffled into the U.S. by Mexico, the U.S., and NGOs before Trump takes office. Watch here.

Watch Hobbs' interview below:

Hobbs: When hearing about the Trump Administration's plans for border security, the emphasis really is on this mass deportation. What we saw here today is the actual work happening at our ports of entry that are interdicting drugs, keeping those drugs off our streets, and we need more of that to secure the border here.

Kyra Phillips: Trump has promised that he would carry out mass deportations on day one of his presidency. Your state is estimated to have a quarter of a million undocumented immigrants. Some Democrats in your state, like Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, say that she wouldn't allow police to be used to carry out this plan. Would you allow state police and National Guard to carry out mass deportations?

Katie Hobbs: We will not be participating in misguided efforts that harm our communities, and I have been incredibly clear about that.

Kyra Phillips: So, you disagree with mass deportations, and the fact that the President-elect says that's what he's going to be working on day one?

Katie Hobbs: I think that those efforts are going to divert needed resources that we need here on these drug interdiction, and smuggling, and trafficking efforts to keep harm out of our communities. We need those resources here, and the coming here today and seeing this operation firsthand just underscores that, that working in partnership here is how we can best secure the border.

Kyra Phillips: What worries you most, Governor, about mass deportations?

Katie Hobbs: Well, I think the diversion of law enforcement from their, their, the work that they do every day to keep our communities safe, people hiding in fear; we saw that under previous state policies here, and it harms communities. It tears families apart, and that's not going to happen on my watch.

In response, Homan said on X,

Yes or no, would you like to see Governor Hobbs behind bars on day 1?

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs has reaffirmed her pledge to take care of the estimated 250,000 illegal aliens in her state over any American citizen.

She even outright refuses to work with President Trump’s mass deportation efforts that starts in 34 days.

From neglect of duty to ethical violations, it sounds like Governor Hobbs is bound to be guilty of multiple things on day 1.

These people belong in prison. Blood is on their hands.

The post “It Sounds Like Governor Hobbs is Bound to be Guilty of Multiple Things” – Border Czar Tom Homan Suggests AZ Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs Will be “Behind Bars on Day 1” For Refusal to Comply With Mass Deportation Efforts appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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