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Your Teen’s Protein Powder Obsession Isn’t as Healthy as You Think

I was already deep into the text thread from the Trader Joe’s aisle, lobbying for a dairy-free protein powder (the one I wanted to try in smoothies) over a whey-based one (my kid’s pick), before the common sense question hit me: Are protein powders even safe for teens? 

As everyone from perimenopausal women to gym bros are encouraged by health providers and their TikTok algorithm to up their protein intake, supplements such as powders, bars, and shakes are everywhere — a trend that hasn’t escaped the notice of teens. 

And while downing the occasional bar or shake when they’re late for school or rushing to practice likely isn’t harmful, there’s a growing concern that kids may be using these products for the wrong reasons, with some hoping to “bulk up” and others trying to lose weight.

So what does this mean when it comes to teens’ health? SheKnows spoke to nutrition experts to unpack teens’ use of protein supplements, how much protein they actually need, and if it’s safe for teens to use protein powders, bars, and shakes. Here’s what to know.  

A Widespread Trend 

A full two in five parents say their teen has consumed protein supplements in the past year, according to a recent nationally-representative poll from the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health. 

What’s behind this number? “For a lot of people, ‘high-protein’ has become synonymous with ‘healthy,’” explains Sarah J. Clark, the organization’s co-director and a research scientist in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Michigan. “I think parents and teens look at products labelled as high in protein and assume they are appropriate.” 

It’s part of a larger problem, adds Erin Hennessy, associate professor, Dean for Research Strategy, and director of ChildObesity180 at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. “There are many misconceptions about protein intake for teens, parents, and the population as a whole,” she says, pointing in part to nutrition misinformation on social media.

The trend appears to be more common in boys: Nearly half (46 percent) of teen boy parents said their child consumed protein powders, bars, or shakes in the past year (with a third of those doing so “most or every day”) compared to 36 percent reported by parents of girls. Similarly, a 2022 study found that 55 percent of adolescent boys and 33 percent of adolescent girls reported using “muscle-building” protein powder or shakes. 

The poll also found a gender divide behind teens’ motivations for consuming these products. Over half of boy parents said their son’s goal was to “build muscle” and “improve training or performance,” while parents were more likely to think girls were using these products as a meal replacement when they’re too busy (36 percent) or to help with weight loss (11 percent).

These numbers align with others suggesting that eating disorders are on the rise in teen boys, with a growing concern about body image issues and what experts are calling “bigorexia.” Influenced by social media, parents, coaches, and peers, an increasing number of boys have become hyper-focused on “bulking up” and building muscles in an unhealthy way. Recent research suggests that as many as 60 percent of boys have changed their diet in the hopes of becoming more muscular. 

How Much Protein Do Teens Need?  

As you may remember from eighth grade science, protein is the building block of the body. It’s found in your muscles, organs, skin, and nearly every part of the body — and helps power hormone function and immunity, among other key body systems. 

How much protein a teen needs depends on factors such as their age, size, activity level, and health. As a general guideline, the USDA Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of protein is 46 grams for teenage girls and 52 grams for boys. Most teen boys (ages 14 to 18) in the U.S. actually meet this threshold, says Hennessy, according to the most recent USDA’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Teen girls in this age group are more likely to fall short. 

For a more individualized guideline for protein intake, Hennessy recommends this calculation: About 0.85 grams per kilogram of body weight, a number that increases to about 1.0 to 1.5 g per kilogram of body weight for teen athletes. So a teen weighing 120 pounds (54 kilograms) would need about 46 grams of protein per day; an athlete this size would need 54 grams to 81 grams. (As a reference, a 3.5-ounce serving of chicken breast has about 32 grams of protein.)

“Weight-based guidelines are particularly useful because there’s a wide range of body sizes, especially during puberty,” adds registered dietitian Amy Stephens, a certified specialist in sports nutrition in New York City who works with the New York University athletic department. “Teens who go through puberty earlier often have larger bodies and greater nutritional needs due to increased muscle mass and muscle turnover.” 

Too much protein, however, can negatively impact a teen’s health. “One of the most significant misconceptions is that more protein intake is better,” says Hennessy. “Studies have shown no further gains in strength, muscle mass, or muscle size at intakes that exceed recommended levels.” In fact, it can put strain on the kidneys and gastrointestinal system as the body works to process it. What doesn’t get processed will be stored as fat. 

Are Protein Powders and Bars Safe for Teens? 

Every expert we spoke to stressed that healthy foods are the ideal source of protein, not supplements — especially for teens, and even for athletes. 

“Eating whole foods is important because it provides a lot of nutrients that you’re not going to get in protein supplements or shakes,” says Stephens. What’s more, most protein supplements are made for adults. “A kid is going to have an amplified effect, and their body has different nutrition requirements.” 

And then there are the safety issues. Unlike drugs, supplements aren’t regulated by the FDA so you can’t be sure what’s inside the package is what’s on the label. “Just because a supplement is on the market doesn’t mean it’s safe, effective, or even contains what it advertises,” says Stephens. 

In its guidance for teen athletes, the American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend the use of protein supplements, stressing that many of these products don’t live up to their claims and highlighting issues related to safety, quality, and contamination due to the lack of regulation.

The exception, says Hennessy, is in certain cases of illness, injury, or a specific dietary condition, when a doctor or health care professional recommends the use of protein supplements to be used under medical supervision. 

How To Choose a Protein Supplement for Teens 

So you and your kid both get that a homemade smoothie with yogurt, peanut butter, and fruit is the healthy choice, but the dog just threw up and the bus is in front of your house. Isn’t a bar or shake better than, say, a bag of Doritos? Okay, yes, fine. And that, say experts, is how to look at it. Some of these products are fine for occasional use. 

“Supplements are a good option when food is not available,” says Stephens, who prefers bars to shakes and powders for their portability and often healthier ingredients. Some of her faves include KIND bars (12 grams of protein), Perfect Bars (19g), and RXBARs (12g). She recommends pairing them with a banana or other fruit to sustain energy levels. If your child is going to use these products anyway, here’s how to pick one that’s right for your teen: 

Make healthy foods the priority: Protein-rich foods include lean meats, poultry and eggs, seafood, dairy and soy products, nuts, beans, and legumes. Snacks that Stephens recommends include: yogurt with fruit, whole grain toast with peanut butter, string cheese and apple, edamame, and peanut butter pretzels.

Talk to your provider. It’s always a good idea to check in with your child’s health provider, particularly if your teen is limiting consumption of certain types of foods, if they seem fixated on body image issues like bulking up or slimming down, or if you have concerns about an issue such as an eating disorder. A referral to a registered dietitian or nutritionist can help as well. 

Read the label. Bars, shakes, and powders can be packed with added sugars, sugar substitutes, or unexpected ingredients. Stephens recommends choosing products with whole-food ingredients like nuts, dates, or honey. Watch out for too much fiber (more than 3 to 5 grams) which can cause stomach upset. And avoid ingredients such as caffeine, large doses of vitamins, or words you don’t recognize. 

Consider the protein source. Whey, casein, pea, or soy protein are generally considered some of the better added proteins, with some experts concerned about the processing involved in protein “isolates.” 

Look for safety certifications. Since supplements aren’t regulated the same way drugs are, Clark recommends looking for third-party safety certifications like Informed Choice, NSF International, or BSCG. 

I ended up buying a pea protein-based powder and we made fruit smoothies with it exactly once. The container is now in the back of a shelf, and I’ve been stocking up on healthier snacks like yogurt, nuts, and fruit for my teen to have at the ready. No complaints yet.

Before you go, shop our favorite skincare brands your teen will love:

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