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Who is Luke Stoltman’s wife Kushi and how long has she been married to Europe’s Strongest Man

FIVE-TIME Scotland’s Strongest Man champion Luke Stoltman is married to “Strongwoman” Kushi Stoltman.

But 2024 has been a year of extreme ups and downs for the couple — they welcomed their first child before splitting up amid claims of infidelity.

Kushi Stoltman is the wife of strongman Luke Stoltman

In November 2024, current European strongman champ Luke Stoltman was ditched by his heartbroken wife after she accused him of trysts with a female powerlifter.

The hulking sportsman’s partner Kushi claimed her husband was hooking up with the fellow competitor while their child was unwell in hospital.

Here’s everything you need to know…

Who is Luke Stoltman’s wife Kushi?

Kushi is the wife of professional strongman Luke Stoltman, who also goes by the moniker “The Highland Oak”.

The couple married in 2016 and held their wedding ceremony in Kincraig Castle Hotel, near Luke’s hometown of Invergordon in the Scottish Highlands.

According to her LinkedIn, Kushi has been an Administrative Assistant at Global Energy Group since 2019.

She has also worked in similar positions at different companies in the past.


Kushi’s husband Luke is the brother of fellow professional strongman competitor and the current World’s Strongest Man, Tom Stoltman.

He was inspired to begin weight training after being influenced by Luke, who then took his younger sibling under his wing to mentor.

Tom won the World’s Strongest Man competition two consecutive times having become the first Scot to lift the title in 2021, before going on to be crowned again in 2024.

Kushi also has a passion for fitness and regularly shares health and diet content on her social media pages.

The vlogger, who describes herself as a “strongwife”, is very active on Instagram, where she boasts over 38k followers as of December 2024.

Her Youtube channel also has over 13k subscribers.

Supportive wife

Until the infidelity accusations, Kushi had been extremely supportive of her husband’s career.

She regularly travelled to support Luke at strongman contests and other weight lifting events.

I thought my world was complete going through so much heartache to get my beautiful baby boy and finally get pregnant and getting that happily ever after I’ve always wanted with my husband after trying for so many years

Kushi StoltmanInstagram

Vlogging about the experience, she revealed the epic highs and lows her husband would go through at major competitions.

In 2022, she and Luke jetted to the US to meet legend Arnold Schwarzenegger.

In a YouTube video documenting their experience at the Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio, Kushi revealed how invested she is emotionally in her husband’s success.

After Luke felt he’d not done as well as he’d hoped, Kushi told the cameras: “You know when they work so hard for something you really feel for them when they don’t get it.

“When they’re disheartened or upset it really does cut you deep when you know how much it upsets them”.

Kushi was very supportive of her husband’s strongman career until cheating allegations surfaced[/caption]

Similarly, in a 2023 Instagram post she wrote: “Wanting your person to be the best they can be when you know how hard they work day in and day out to achieve this makes your nerves so much more intense when the time comes.

“All the aches, pains and dedication to his career, the sacrifices he makes for others that nobody sees behind closed doors are things just in his nature that makes me love him more”.

Kushi and Luke Stoltman’s baby

Kushi and Luke’s first child together, a son named Koa Devaki Stoltman, was born on February 1, 2024.

On December 29, 2023, Kushi confirmed that her due date was just weeks away.

Alongside a sweet black and white photo of her cradling her bump, Kushi wrote on Instagram: “Nobody ever mentioned to me throughout this whole pregnancy that… You’re about to meet someone entirely new.

“And it’s not your baby, it’s going to be you.

“In a few short weeks my life will be changed forever and I honestly cannot wait”.

Luke Stoltman, Kushi Stoltman – cheating allegations[/caption]

Kushi kept her online following updated throughout her pregnancy, regularly sharing adorable pictures of her and Luke with her bump.

She also documented their life as they prepared their home for their new arrival on YouTube.

In October 2023, Kushi revealed the sex of the baby, confirming that they were expecting a baby boy in an adorable vlog.

Shortly after the gender reveal, Kushi told her Instagram followers that she had “never been more in love with somebody I’ve never met”.

She added: “Feeling baby boy’s little kicks and movements is beyond magical even at 4am in the morning”.

Infidelity claims

Following the accusations of cheating, Kushi broke her silence with a heartfelt social media post.

Kushi and Luke’s first child together was born on February 1, 2024[/caption]

She also made further claims of adultery and said she was “heartbroken and devastated”.

Kushi wrote on Instagram: “I thought my world was complete going through so much heartache to get my beautiful baby boy and finally get pregnant and getting that happily ever after I’ve always wanted with my husband after trying for so many years.

“Our son is 9 months old now and this weekend after our son has been in hospital so sick and Luke refusing to come and see him in hospital because he was with another woman behind my back.

“I am absolutely heartbroken and devastated that someone could be so cruel and nasty.

“He is not the man he portrays himself to be.

Joe Martinez , Worlds Strongest Man
Luke Stoltman (right) is currently Europe’s Strongest Man, while is brother Tom is the World’s Strongest Man[/caption]

“Thank you very much Luke Stoltman… for torturing me.

“I have no idea how people in this world can be so cruel.”

Posting on his own Instagram in response, Luke said: “I want to acknowledge the pain caused to my family, friends and community by recent social media and news.

“I regret the mistakes that I have made and the impact they’ve had, especially on my family, Kushi and my son, who is my world.

“While not everything shared is true, I want to be clear that I was with my son in hospital.

“I am committed to acting responsibly and rebuilding the trust of those who feel let down.

“I am deeply grateful for those who continue to support me, and my focus remains on charging for my son and supporting those affected by this situation.

“I respectfully ask for privacy for my family as we navigate this matter together”.

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