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‘It’s the same’: Woman orders $16 margarita with one large ice cube. Then she asks for the manager

A general rule of thumb for someone's character is seeing how they treat service workers.

The classic tale of a Karen demanding the manager is one we are all familiar with. In recent years, service workers have become Karen’s worst enemy. Suddenly, their unresolved trauma gets unleashed onto a waitress over a minor inconvenience.

This TikTok posted by @krisswith details a conflict over a $16 margarita, the amount of ice it came with, and one customer failing to understand how liquid works.

What's the problem?

Simply put, the customer was upset that the $16 margarita she bought wasn’t filled all the way to the top. 

At first glance, it appears the restaurant is shorting her booze. Nowadays, most restaurants unfortunately have become stingy with pours for the amount they charge. 

However, bartenders are clearly following the drink recipes provided which are always calculated. Most cocktails usually are made with one shot of alcohol and the rest is mixer and ice. Getting more liquid usually requires a double or triple shot of liquor to be ordered. 

In this case, the customer was upset that the margarita was made with one large piece of ice. Before tasting the drink, she complained about the liquid not filling up the cup completely. 

The server goes on to explain liquid displacement and how adding more of the mixer will affect the taste of the drink.

“More liquid in the glass does not mean more liquor” - @krisswith

What is liquid displacement?

Liquid displacement is the technique of measuring volume of a liquid (spirit or mixer) and how it reacts to another material, often ice in a glass.

Bartenders will carefully measure liquids to ensure the cocktail doesn’t spill over when ice is added. In addition, bartenders ensure the drink is well balanced with ice, liquor, and mixer.

Knowing liquid displacements assists bartenders in making sure drinks are accurate, balanced, and well-presented.

Server calls out Karen

The server shared this experience on TikTok. She went onto explain the concept of liquid displacement and how it wasn’t intentional to short the customer's drink. Her frustration came across in her video as the customer failed to show respect during her explanation. She then demanded a manager. 

The manager relayed the same message of liquid displacement in crafting cocktails. The customer didn't listen to the manager. This minor incident ended up ruining the customers' experience out of pride.

The impatient customer even had the audacity to dine-and-ditch because the dessert was taking too long.

'That was enough for me'

Viewers had little sympathy for the customer.

“Don't waste your breath. fill it up with the mixer and then put a dash of tequila in the stirrer straw,” one replied.

“I served for one year and that was enough for me,” one shared.

“And here I am happily drinking a wrong drink because I don’t want to bother anyone,” one joked.

“Why does no one understand liquid displacement?” one added.

“The amount of times I’ve had to explain displacement,” one commented..

This TikTok has more than 370,400 views with more than 12,000 likes as of this writing.

The Daily Dot has contacted @krisswith over email and TikTok messenger for comment.

@krisswith Some people… #f#fyps#servers#serverss#serversoftiktoks#serverstoriess#serverstorytimes#serverstorys#serverlifes#serverprobsb#bartenderb#bartendersb#bartendersoftiktokb#bartenderstoriesb#bartenderstoryb#bartenderstorytimeb#bartenderprobsb#bartenderproblemsbartenderlife ♬ original sound - Kristina Withers

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The post ‘It’s the same’: Woman orders $16 margarita with one large ice cube. Then she asks for the manager appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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