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Stacey Solomon admits she’s ‘scared’ & ‘nervous’ about income for 2025 as she takes massive risk with new business

STACEY Solomon has opened up about feeling “super nervous” about a new, risky business venture.

The Loose Women star, 34, announced that she is bringing out her own perfume called Belle and Rose next year – but admitted that she was “scared” about it.

Stacey Solomon has announced she is launching her own perfume[/caption]
The perfume will be called Belle & Rose, which are the names of her daughters[/caption]

Taking to her Instagram Stories, Stacey made the big reveal by sketching out a design of the perfume bottle, which is named after her two daughters, Rose, three, and Belle, one.

She wrote: “BELLE & ROSE. Coming 2025.

“I have been working on this for forever and finally I can share it with you. 

“In 2025 I’ve made space in my life to follow a dream of mine & create something special that hopefully you will love and will live on forever through my children. 

“I’m so overwhelmed with the feeling of excitement and fear as I step into a world which I can only say is so bloody scary but also thrilling.

“This is a long time coming mostly because I haven’t had the confidence more than anything.”

Fans were quick to ask her to share more details about the brand launch, and Stacey got candid about the risks.

She said: “Yes, it is a perfume, just one. I’m launching just one perfume. 

“And I’m really, really excited about it. I am also super nervous about it, because I’ve let go of a lot of things this year and moving into next year that are like guaranteed income that I won’t have next year, and none of this project is guaranteed to be successful in any way. 

“So it feels like a massive risk, and it’s scary, but if I didn’t let go of it, then I wouldn’t have the space to be able to do this. 

“And if I don’t do this now, I won’t ever do it, and I will really regret that, like I know I’ll regret that, and I don’t want to look back and have any regrets. 

“It’s something I wanted to do for such a long time, and I’ve just gotta bite the bullet and take the risk.”

Accessible price point

She added that she was inspired by her favourite scent brands, Penhaligon’s, Diptyque, Jo Malone and Chanel.

She added: “I love the quality of the ingredients. I love how long the scent lasts. I love the packaging. Just everything. 

“I think it is amazing. But there’s always going to be, like, a massive markup and a huge profit margin, which is great. Go get it. 

“I don’t begrudge it. I think if you can, like, demand that kind of price, go and get it, but my dream has always been to get the same quality in ingredients, the same level of fragrance oil, the same quality of packaging, everything but reduce the profit margin dramatically so that it’s actually accessible, and so people can get those kind of fragrances at a much better price, and that’s what I’ve created.”

Stacey said she still got “months and months to work on it” and thanked fans for supporting her so she could fulfil her dreams.

Stacey Solomon - Instagram
Stacey admitted she was scared for her income in 2025[/caption]

Stacey quitting big role

In September, Stacey announced she was quitting her role as an ambassador for InTheStyle, which she began in 2021.

She said: “Today has been a wonderful but emotional day as I shot my LAST EVER collection for InTheStyle.

“I have loved every single second of being able to design & create clothing with the most incredible team & literally bring my dreams to life.”

However, Stacey said her priorities shifted this year.

Getty - Contributor
Stacey has been married to Joe Swash since 2022[/caption]

The star gave birth to her fifth child last year and said she’s been focusing on balancing her career with her growing family.

Stacey added: “Throughout this year I’ve thought a lot about work/family balance & things that have needed to be prioritised.

“So I’ve decided to say goodbye to In The Style and other things so that I can give more of myself back to my family.”

As a result of Stacey and husband Joe Swash’s social media platforms, the pair have bagged a number of lucrative career opportunities, boosting that all-important net worth.

And with Stacey in particular having hosted Loose Women and Sort Your Life Out, it appears that the mum-of-five is a force to be reckoned with.

Early in 2024, it was revealed that the DIY savvy mum, who shot to fame following The X Factor, was making a whopping £3 million a year, averaging out to around £58,000 a week.

As a result, Stacey was able to splash out a massive £1.2million on Pickle Cottage – and Joe didn’t put in a penny.

It was reported that Stacey, who is estimated to be worth around £5 million, solely stumped up the cash for their Tudor-style Essex property, which is set in 2.5 acres and boasts an outdoor swimming pool.

Stacey Solomon's career so far

Stacey Solomon has been a familiar face on viewers' screens for over a decade. Let's take a look back at her career.

The X Factor (2009): Stacey competed in series six of long-running ITV singing competition The X Factor. During her time in the show, she was mentored by Danni Minogue in the ‘Girls’ category. The star finished in third place, behind Joe McElderry and Olly Murs.

I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here (2010); In late 2010, Stacey headed to the infamous I’m A Celeb Aussie jungle. After 21 days, she triumphed to win the tenth series. It was through I’m A Celeb that she met future husband Joe Swash – who’d won two years earlier and was hosting the ITV2 spinoff.

Celebrity Juice (2011―2013, 2016―2019): The star appeared as a panellist on 21 episodes of the comedy panel game show hosted by Keith Lemon. Stacey was a regular in the 21st series, broadcast in 2019.

Loose Women (2016 – present): Stacey has been a permanent panel member of the daytime show since 2016. She previously made guest appearances in 2011 and 2012.

Sort Your Life Out (2022 -present): This BBC show sees Stacey, with the help of an expert team, transform participants’ living spaces after removing clutter.

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