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Prince Andrew pulls out of pre-Christmas lunch with Royal Family after Chinese ‘spy’ pal unmasked

PRINCE Andrew has pulled out of a pre-Christmas lunch at Buckingham Palace after his “close confidant” Chinese “spy” was unmasked.

The Sun exclusively revealed on Sunday insiders had urged the duke to “uninvite himself” from the family’s pre-festive bash taking place on Thursday.

Jon Bond
The Duke of York leaving Royal Lodge, Windsor, today[/caption]
Prince Andrew with Sarah, Duchess of York, for the Royal Family’s traditional Christmas Day service in Sandringham last year[/caption]
It comes as a suspected Chinese spy, as Yang Tengbo, who was friends with Andrew has been unmasked for the first time

He was due to attend the lunch at the palace but a source said: “He is under pressure to step away.”

Andrew has now decided to give the event a miss, reports MailOnline, following another scandal.

It comes just days after the Duke of York said he won’t be joining the Royal Family at Sandringham for the usual celebrations on Christmas Day.

It is understood his ex-wife Sarah, Duchess of York, has also dropped out from the Norfolk festivities.

The pair are said to be staying at Royal Lodge, in Windsor, for the period instead.


Both Andrew and Fergie’s daughters, Beatrice and Eugenie, had already chosen to spend Christmas with their respective in-laws.

It comes as a suspected Chinese spy who was friends with Andrew has been unmasked for the first time.

An insider said it’s hard to see the duke out in “public with the royals ever again”.

They said: “I find it hard to imagine he will ever join them again in public, if I’m honest.

“There’s only so many times the duke can be asked to keep his head down and wait for the storm to pass. Enough is enough.”

Yang Tengbo, 50 – who is understood to have been a “close confidante” of the Duke of York – can be named after a court anonymity ban was lifted this afternoon.

During a tribunal hearing, judges concluded Yang had not been honest about his links to the Chinese state and could exploit his relationship with the duke and other public figures.

The former chairman of Hampton Group had been in the country for two decades.

Photos show him posing alongside ex-Prime Ministers David Cameron and Theresa May, as well as the royal.

He was even invited to Andrew’s birthday party in 2020 and supported him through his recent scandals.

But the suspected spy subsequently lost an appeal against a decision to ban him from the UK on national security grounds.

He was stopped by counter-terrorism services in 2021 and ordered to surrender his devices.

Court documents said Yang had split his time between China and the UK and told officials he considered this country his second home.

In February last year, he was “off-boarded” from a flight from Beijing to London and told the home secretary was in the process of examining the case to exclude him from the UK.

CHINA must be put in the highest threat category, MPS demand

By JACK ELSOM, Chief Political Correspondent

CHINA must be put in the highest threat category of a new foreign influence register, MPs tonight demanded.

Ministers were accused of dragging their feet after confirming the list of shadowy operators will not go live for at least six months.

The Beijing “spy” row sparked angry exchanges between Labour and the Tories, with both parties claiming the other had recklessly sucked up to the Communist regime.

It saw Sir Keir Starmer slammed for taking a “sycophantic tone” with President Xi at the G20 summit last month.

Security Minister Dan Jarvis said the long-awaited Foreign Influence Registration Scheme will launch next summer.

The programme – announced under the Conservatives – will force people working for overseas powers to declare their activities to the Home Office.

It is divided into two tiers, with the highest “enhanced tier” for hostile states that require additional vetting.

Government source have told The Sun that China was currently not being earmarked for that category.

Former Tory security minister Tom Tugendhat, who spearheaded the scheme in government, yesterday said: “The advice from MI5 was very very clear. If China isn’t in the enhanced tier it’s not worth having.”

Ex-Home Secretary Suella Braverman added: “Isn’t it regrettable that it has taken a high-profile case, public outcry, and the Opposition dragging the Minister to the chamber to finally get the government to commit to implement the Foreign Influence Registration Scheme.”

And former Conservative leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith blasted: “How was it that somebody who was known for the security committee forces was allowed to get so close to a member of the royal family without proper scrutiny exposing him.”

Mr Jarvis insisted the Government would not hesitate to use “every tool at our disposal” to keep Britain safe – and blamed the Tories for leaving the register plans in disarray.

He said: “Where there are individuals who pose a threat to our national security, we are committed to using the full range of powers available to disrupt them.”

Conservative Shadow Home Secretary Chris Philp attacked Sir Keir’s summit sitdown with President Xi last month.

He said: “Given what we’ve learned and what we know, these very close relations that the prime minister is apparently attempting may not be wise, and the rather sycophantic tone the prime minister took with President Xi at the G20 a few weeks ago may not be very wise in light of what we now.”

Highlighting David Cameron’s infamous beer with the China strongman, Mr Jarvis shot back: “At least he did not take him to the pub for a pint.”

That order was made the following month, with his appeal against the decision rejected last week by a special immigration appeals tribunal.

Judges concluded Yang had not been honest about his links to the Chinese state and could exploit his relationship with the duke and other public figures.

Guy Vassall-Adams KC, for Yang, told the High Court: “There has been an enormous amount of media reporting in relation to this story, and particularly in relation to the relationship between my client, H6, and Prince Andrew, as well as a huge amount of speculation about the identity of my client.”

Yang said he has “done nothing wrong or unlawful”, adding in a statement that the “widespread description of me as a ‘spy’ is entirely untrue”.

It comes after the Sun reported last week a foreign agent knew how to sneak people in and out of the duke’s Royal Lodge home.

The shock revelation emerged in a letter from one of the royal’s top advisers, Dominic Hampshire, to the spy.

Mr Hampshire continued to work for Andrew even after the note was found by MI5 on the spy’s phone in 2020.

It read: “I hope that it is clear to you where you sit with my principal (Andrew) and indeed his family.

“You should never underestimate the strength of that relationship.

“You sit at the very top of a tree many people would like to be on.”

It added: “Under your guidance, we found a way to get the relevant people unnoticed in and out of the house in Windsor.”

Mr Hampshire also confirmed the man could act for Andrew in talks with Chinese investors.

The note was sent 10 months after the duke withdrew from public life after paying damages to Virginia Roberts-Giuffre, a victim of his US paedo pal Jeffrey Epstein.

A source told The Sun: “Dom was still working for the duke until at least April this year.

“It’s hard to believe, given that Andrew must have known for years that his Chinese links had become a matter of national security.”

A statement from the duke’s office on Friday said “nothing of a sensitive nature [was] ever discussed”.

The statement added: “The Duke of York followed advice from HMG and ceased all contact with the individual after concerns were raised.

“The duke met the individual through official channels, with nothing of a sensitive nature ever discussed.

“He is unable to comment further on matters relating to national security.”

Writing for the Sun, royal expert Phil Dampier said: “By allowing a Chinese spy inside royal residences like Windsor and Buckingham Palace he endangered the security of the whole Royal Family and the institution of the monarchy.”

Prince Andrew has pulled out of a pre-Christmas bash at Buckingham Palace[/caption]
The suspected spy alongside the duke
Yang Tengbo has been unmasked

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