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The two secret boiler buttons that could help slash your energy bills by £325 a year

A BOILER expert has revealed how two secret buttons on your boiler could save you up to £325 a year on your energy bills.

Around 80% of new boilers sold in the UK are combi boilers, according to Uswitch, which is where your central heating and hot water are provided by one unit.

Ian Palmer-Smith has revealed how a boiler trick can help you slash your energy bill

This type of boiler is supposed to be more efficient than having separate tanks.

But one small setting could mean yours is not running as effectively as it could be.

Combi boilers come with either one or two “flow” temperature dials, for hot water and heating.

These buttons adjust the temperature of the water that goes into your radiators or taps.

But according to Ian Palmer-Smith, supplier and heating service director at Domestic and General, many new combi boilers come with these temperatures set incorrectly, meaning they aren’t actually running efficiently.

Luckily, you can tweak these settings with hidden buttons on your boiler meaning you will use less gas to heat your water, saving you money.

Mr Palmer-Smith explained: “If you don’t have your boiler set at the right temperature to manufacturers instructions, that can have a negative effect on its efficiency.

“A boiler has normally got two settings: the boiler heating side, which needs to be about 70 degrees, and your water side, which should be at about 60.

“If you don’t have them set correctly, the boiler doesn’t actually condense.”

Ensuring you’ve set your boiler flow temperatures correctly could improve its efficiency by around 15%, he said.

Based on a 24kilowatt boiler being used for four hours a day for 365 days and under the current Ofgem price cap, that equates to a roughly £325 saving a year on your gas bill.

“By far the biggest win is to make sure that your boiler is set to the right temperature levels for heating and water to condense as per the manufacturers instructions,” Ian said.

“If it’s not, it’s like you’ve got a Ferrari and you’re running it like a Ford.”

It’s worth noting that how much you could save on your energy bills by making this change depends on how old your boiler is, as well as the condition it’s in.

Both the heating and water temperature dials on your combi boiler should be easy to spot.

The Heating Hub says the hot water dial will likely have a tap on it, while the heating dial will have a radiator icon on it.

They might not look like this on yours, though, so make sure to check your manufacturer’s manual so you know what to look for.

How else to get the most from your boiler

Adjusting the flow temperature on your boiler is just one way to maximise its efficiency and save money.

Making sure you’ve having it regularly serviced is another, Ian said.

“Maintenance is essential. Lots of households in the UK do not maintain their boilers,” he explained.

“It’s the same way that you would have an MOT on a car – you’re going to get better longevity and efficiency [if you get it checked].

“Most boiler services cost around £150, or you might have a maintenance plan that covers the servicing.”

You can book in a boiler servicing through a number of companies including Ideal Heating, British Gas or WPJ Heating.

You can also compare quotes on comparison websites like MyBoilerService.com or Checkatrade.

Meanwhile, if you’ve got an old-style conventional boiler, it could be worth buying a “jacket”.

Also known as a cylinder jacket or hot water tank jacket, these wrap around the hot water tank, keeping the water inside hot for longer.

The Energy Saving Trust says topping the insulation up on your boiler could save you around £40 a year.

Boiler jackets are widely available, including at Screwfix, which at the time of writing had one for £23, and B&Q, which had one for £22.

Ian's top tips for saving money on your energy bills this winters

  • Put up curtains by your front door – this will prevent heat produced inside the home from escaping.
  • Block your chimney – around 1% of the heat produced in your home can be lost through your chimney, so safely block it, where you can. You can do this with a balloon, or even a piece of spare wood you’ve got lying around.
  • Reflexive materials behind radiators – these reflect heat back into the room meaning your central heating doesn’t have to work as hard.

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