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GK Barry admits why being a lesbian is ‘incredible’ after ‘wasting time on men who don’t know where women’s parts are’

INFLUENCER and I’m A Celeb star GK Barry has opened up about her love life.

The podcast host admitted her time with men when she was younger was totally wasted, and said being in a relationship with a woman is miles better.

GK Barry admitted that being a lesbian is far superior to being with men[/caption]
Rumours have been swirling Grace is married to her footballer girlfriend Ella[/caption]
Grace made a name for herself on social media before taking on I’m A Celeb[/caption]

Speaking to MTV, she said: “I look at men now and I cannot believe and I think ‘I cannot believe that I wasted so much time’.”

GK, who’s real name is Grace Keeling, also noted that being with a woman is different because “you get each other emotionally”.

And that’s not the only difference the internet superstar noted.

“I feel like they know where parts of you are, that men may not. Everything’s just better,” she said.

In May 2024, Grace revealed that she was dating a female footballer but she did not disclose the identity of her partner.

In June, it was revealed that Grace’s mystery girlfriend played for England.

It was eventually revealed by The Sun that Grace and Charlton Athletic strike Ella Rutherford were in a relationship.

A source exclusively told The Sun: “GK has been seeing Ella for a while but they are very much official now.

“They grew even closer on holiday in Benidorm and GK has met all her family.

“She’s really happy and they are having so much fun together.”

Since coming out of the jungle, engagement rumours have been rife between the couple.

In fact, just last week Grace’s girlfriend fuelled rumours when she ‘liked’ a fan comment on the post, which showed a ring emoji, leading some fans to believe the pair have already tied-the-knot.

Grace and the England footballer Ella also have identical ‘444’ tattoos.

One has the numbers tattooed on the back of her hand, while the other has it on the underside of her wrist.

The girls are holding hands in the Instagram Stories photo, however GK has left the meaning behind their new body art a mystery.

And their etchings are just the latest in a line of romantic displays that has got rumours flying.

In August, GK called Ella her “wife” during a TikTok video.

“Welcome to another episode of cooking for my wife, because I’m a WAG,” she said.

“And when she gets back from football she’s a vicious hungry beast.”

Sharing photos of herself and GK together Down Under, Ella also described the YouTuber as her “wife” on Instagram.

“Flew to the jungle to get my wife,” she wrote.

“Met the most amazing people along the way and made memories that will last a life time.

“You made us all so proud beautiful, I love you with all my heart, I have everything I’ll ever need.”

Grace, meanwhile, told her: “Never again, are we leaving each other. We must be joined at the hip at all times.

“She basically said to me, this is your moment.….this is all about you. I feel like it says a lot about her.”

Grace’s girlfriend Ella was there to meet her when she left the jungle[/caption]

Who is GK Barry?

GK Barry amassed more than a million followers on TikTok in just over a year during the first UK lockdown in 2020.

Grace Keeling, better known as GK Barry, is a 25-year-old social media influencer.

She rose to fame during the first Covid-19 lockdown in 2020, creating a TikTok account and posting short vlogs showcasing her day-to-day life.

Although she originally intended on staying low-key, she gained a large following in no time at all.

By August 2020, only five months after starting her account, she had already hit 100,000 followers, reaching more than a million in just over a year.

She now has over 4.5million followers across her social media platforms.

After completing a degree in film studies from Nottingham Trent University, Grace furthered her education with a master’s in digital marketing.

While at Nottingham Trent, she worked on the set of BBC series Doctors and the Netflix film Hood, as well as creating content for ShawMind — a charity working to promote mental health awareness.

Grace is known for her podcast, named The Saving Grace Podcast.

On the show she invites celebrities and influencers to have a chat about life and the latest trends, as well as any embarrassing stories from their past.

In May 2024, Grace said she was dating a female footballer.

Then in June it came out that the soccer star in question plays for England.

The Sun revealed that Grace and Charlton Athletic striker Ella Rutherford, 24, are getting serious — they’ve met each other’s family and holidayed together.

A source exclusively told The Sun: “GK has been seeing Ella for a while but they are very much official now.

“They grew even closer on holiday in Benidorm and GK has met all her family.

“She’s really happy and they are having so much fun together.”

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