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Christmas warning to millions of dog owners over mistake which left pet fighting for life – how to keep your animal safe

DOG owners have been warned over a mistake that left one pet fighting for its life last Christmas.

While many households may put up tinsel as a festive decoration, this could be highly dangerous to dogs if ingested, vets have said.

Eight-year-old dog Shylah was taken ill last Christmas after consuming tinsel[/caption]
One metre of tinsel was discovered in Shylah’s stomach through an x-ray[/caption]
The tinsel was successfully removed and Shylah made a full recovery[/caption]

It comes after one dog, eight-year-old crossbreed Shylah, consumed one metre of the substance last year – leaving the canine unwell.

Shylah’s owner described how she had been spooked by fireworks before the incident.

Shortly afterwards, they noticed that a large section of tinsel was missing from the mantelpiece.

They told the BBC: “I wondered if Shylah might’ve eaten it, but it wasn’t until a bit later when she went off her food and was sick that I got really worried.

“Shylah is my world and I was worried sick when they said she had to have surgery.”

After Shylah became sick, the owner called Wolverhampton PDSA, a local pet hospital.

An x-ray quickly revealed a foreign object believed to be tinsel.

Warning others against leaving tinsel within their pets‘ reach, Jane Cutler, a senior vet at the hospital, reminded dog owners that emergencies “don’t stop coming just because it’s Christmas”.

Shylah’s owner added that if they had not acted so fast, the result may have been much worse.

Tinsel and other festive decorations are not the only hazard for pet owners to consider this Christmas.

Another dog, a nine-year-old Italian Spinone called Ralph, was rushed for emergency treatment after wolfing down 12 mine pies last Christmas.

The cheeky pet managed to leap up onto a kitchen counter and scoff two whole packets of the festive snacks while his owners were in bed.

Mince pies contain raisings, which are potentially toxic for dogs.

Ralph’s owners, Alison Hart, 60, and Tim Hart, 64, from Warks, became worried for his health after finding the packaging strewn across the kitchen – and rushed him to the vet.

Thankfully, he was treated promptly with an activated charcoal syringe to prevent toxins from entering his bloodstream.

Ralph was discharged the same day without complications.

How to keep dogs safe this Christmas

KEEP all of the following items well out of reach of greedy paws this Christmas:

  • Anything containing chocolate
  • Anything containing raisins, such as mince pies or Christmas Pudding
  • Stuffing, or anything else containing onions, garlic or leeks
  • Alcohol
  • Cooked bones, which could be ingested
  • All non edible decorations such as tinsel and baubles

Following the incident, animal charity Blue Cross is now urging pet owners to be aware of the hidden hazards which can prove dangerous for dogs during the festive period.

Runa Hanaghan, veterinary standards lead at Blue Cross, said: “Christmas is one of the most exciting times of the year, but it’s important to remember our pets in all the festive fun.

“Foods like chocolate and raisins, common in many holiday treats, are highly toxic to dogs, and we often see an increase in calls to our veterinary services during this period, with the number of vet visits to Blue Cross hospitals mentioning ‘chocolate’ doubling around Christmas.

“By being mindful of these risks and taking precautions, we can help to ensure a safe and joyful Christmas for our furry friends.”

The Blue Cross say chocolate and treat-related visits to their veterinary hospitals doubles in December.

They have now issued tips on how to keep dogs safe this festive season and released a “naughty and nice list”.


  • Chocolate-Free Zone: Gift-wrapped chocolate can be a hidden danger, especially with a puppy’s sharp sense of smell leading them to sniff out sweets even when hidden. Let family members and guests know not to place chocolate or any toxic foods under the tree and keep advent calendars stored well out of your puppy’s reach.
  • Guest Alert: Remind family and friends (especially the kids) not to sneak your puppy any holiday treats without checking first, puppies store fat differently, and eating too much makes them more prone to obesity as adults, so it’s really important to feed them the correct nutrition at this time in their life.
  • Twinkling Temptation: Christmas lights, glowing in all their festive glory, can become a dangerous game of ‘chew the cord’ for an adventurous puppy. But what starts as a curious nibble could end with painful electrical burns. Puppies often chew out of curiosity, teething, boredom, or even separation anxiety—so it’s important to provide plenty of safe chew toys and stimulation to keep them engaged and away from hazards.
  • Getty
    Experts have now advised pet owners to keep hazardous decorations away from their dogs[/caption]
    Shylah was rushed to Wolverhampton PDSA pet hospital following the incident[/caption]

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