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How Kate Middleton & Prince William really treat staff at Christmas & it’s VERY different to Meghan Markle’s approach 

CHRISTMAS is a time to cherish those around you, and Prince William and Princess Kate are said to go above and beyond for their staff during the festive period.

According to royal biographer Robert Lacey, the Prince and Princess of Wales treat their staff like “family” and give them “parties and Christmas presents.”

The Prince and Princess of Wales are said to treat their staff like ‘family’, according to Robert Lacey[/caption]
Princess Kate is particularly close to her senior private executive assistant Natasha Archer[/caption]
Robert reported how there was a ‘deep clash of philosophies’ when it came to Meghan Markle’s royal household[/caption]

In his biographer Battle of Brothers, the royal expert said a royal correspondent told him: “I remember Christian Jones [William’s private secretary] explaining to me how the Cams [William and Kate] are paternalistic with their staff.

“’They copy the Queen in that respect with all her Christmas parties and Christmas presents to her people. 

“’They’re proud to treat their staff like family. 

“’They recognise that they don’t get paid loads of money, so they are just really nice to them.’”

Princess Kate is particularly close to her senior private executive assistant Natasha Archer, who has worked with her since 2007.

Natasha has worked as Kate’s PA and stylist, and has been a “pillar of strength” for the royal as she undergoes preventative cancer treatment.

Earlier this year, Natasha was one of the few people seen leaving the London Clinic, where Kate was staying following her abdominal operation in January.

The royal biographer said the correspondent claimed there was a “deep clash of philosophies” when it came to Meghan Markle’s royal household.

They alleged she was “used to a Hollywood service culture – getting exactly what she wanted whenever she wanted in that famous way that Harry said.”

Meghan bullying claims

Robert claims Prince William “went ballistic” after a dossier was compiled by palace aides about bullying claims made against Meghan towards her staff.

Meghan fiercely denies the claims – and a spokesperson for her and Harry said she was the victim of a calculated smear campaign.

A probe was launched in 2021 to investigate the bullying claims, but the results remain private.

Prince William’s former private secretary Christian Jones allegedly called William and Kate ‘ paternalistic with their staff’[/caption]

Meghan’s close squad

However, many friends and staff members have defended Meghan’s character over the years.

One current employee told US Weekly that after team meetings at the couple’s Montecito home, they are gifted a “basket with fresh flowers, fresh fruit and fresh eggs”.

Other staff said Meghan and Harry make an effort to connect with their staff, including introducing happy hours, an upcoming karaoke night and holiday parties.

A former employee claimed: “When I adopted my dog, the next day, I had a luxury brand leash and new collar on my doorstep.”

Ashley Hansen, global press secretary to the Sussexes and the head of communications for Archewell, said the couple were extremely supportive when she needed time off work for surgery.

She claimed: “When I told them, I was met with the kind of concern and care a parent would express if it were their own child. I was asked what I needed, how and if they could help, and told to take as much time as I needed.”

Sussex Christmas

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have reportedly not been invited to Sandringham this year[/caption]

It has been confirmed that the Prince and Princess of Wales will join King Charles and Queen Camilla at Sandringham this Christmas, as is tradition.

The Wales family, including Prince George, 11, Princess Charlotte, nine, and Prince Louis, six, are expected to be seen on Christmas Day attending church.

However, two faces that are unlikely to be seen are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Prince Harry has reportedly not been invited to spend Christmas at Sandringham with the rest of the royal family.

The Sussexes during their last Christmas with the royals at Sandringham in 2018[/caption]

The Duke of Sussex last spent the festive period with his family six years ago, and has only done two royal Christmases with wife Meghan.

The first was in 2017 when they were an engaged couple, and the second was in 2018 following their royal wedding.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex relocated to Montecito in California in summer 2020, just months after stepping down as working royals.

Why did Prince Harry and Meghan Markle step back as senior working royals?

PRINCE Harry has always wanted out of the Royal Family and the repercussions will be felt for years, an expert has claimed.

The Duke of Sussex has lived in California with his wife Meghan Markle since 2020 after they dramatically quit their jobs as working royals and moved across the pond.

Katie Nicholl, who is Vanity Fair’s royal correspondent, told The Sun’s Royal Exclusive show that Megxit did not come as a surprise to her.

Speaking to The Sun’s Royal Editor Matt Wilkinson, the commentator explained: “Anyone who knows Harry is aware he’s always wanted a way out of the Royal Family.

“He’s said multiple times on the record that he wished he’d never been born a prince.

“I think he really is living the life he wants to now. It’s very, very sad that it’s played out the way it has.”

In a statement made on the Sussexes’ Instagram account as they stepped back in 2020, the pair wrote: “After many months of reflection and internal discussions, we have chosen to make a transition this year in starting to carve out a progressive new role within this institution.

“We intend to step back as ‘senior’ members of the Royal Family and work to become financially independent, while continuing to fully support Her Majesty The Queen.

“It is with your encouragement, particularly over the last few years, that we feel prepared to make this adjustment.

“We now plan to balance our time between the United Kingdom and North America, continuing to honour our duty to The Queen, the Commonwealth, and our patronages.

“This geographic balance will enable us to raise our son with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born, while also providing our family with the space to focus on the next chapter, including the launch of our new charitable entity.”

Harry and Meghan share kids Prince Archie, five, and three-year-old Lilbet.

Harry, 40, has made several solo trips back to the UK this year alone – though remains estranged from much of the Firm.

Speaking during The New York Times’ DealBook Summit, the King’s youngest son said today: “I very much enjoy living here and bringing up my kids here.”

There are activities he can do with his children that he “undoubtedly wouldn’t be able to do in the UK”, he said, citing concerns about security.

Harry said his focus now is on “being the best husband and the best dad that I can be”.

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