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Horoscope for Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Moon alert

There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions. The moon is in Leo.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

A so-so day

Cut yourself some slack today. You might not get a lot done, and the same goes for others. Easy does it. For starters, you might feel fatigued. Plus, escapist behavior, daydreaming and avoiding responsibilities will be classic. "Let's slip out the back, Jack."

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

A difficult day

This is a poor day to make important financial decisions especially about inheritances, shared property, taxes, debt or mortgages because there will be a lack of clarity. Issues might be confusing. Postpone these important negotiations for another day.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

A difficult day

Beware of deception today. (And this includes plain old kidding yourself.) The sun is opposite your sign and it is challenged by Neptune, which can make you doubt your decisions. It can also attract dubious people to you. Be careful.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

A so-so day

Double check your work today because errors are likely. Confusion can be the result of issues that are unclear. You might not receive the correct information, or you might misinterpret it. Many things might happen. This same fogginess can apply to your health.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

A difficult day

This is a confusing day for romance because people are indecisive and easily disillusioned. Ironically, they are also sensitive, as well as full of self-doubt and confusion. Parents should be extra vigilant of their kids, especially with respect to poisons, gas and water accidents.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

A difficult day

This is a poor day to ask parents or an older member of the family who might be an authority figure for permission or advice because everything is foggy. People are confused, tired and drained. Deception is possible. Postpone important decisions for another day when you have more clarity.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

A so-so day

Today you might be uncertain about the direction of things or you might even doubt your own decisions. You might also be unsure if relatives, neighbors and siblings are telling you the truth. Maybe they don't grasp the whole picture? Or maybe they don't understand you?

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

A so-so day

Your wise choice today is to postpone important financial decisions. That's because there is a lack of clarity, the possibility of deception, confused communications and plain old lazy thinking that might get you in trouble. Do your homework but make these decisions or expenditures another day.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

A difficult day

As unusual as it sounds, today it's easy to have a blurred self-identity. You're not sure about what you believe or think? Or you might find yourself oscillating back and forth between different decisions. Many people feel this way today. Just tread water. Don't act.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

A so-so day

Today it's hard to know if you are being idealistic or escapist. It's easy to avoid responsibilities today because of lack of energy and confusion. You might even feel overwhelmed by issues. If so, do something to ground yourself. Go for a walk. Postpone major decisions. Take it easy.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

A so-so day

Be careful if you're talking to friends and members of groups, especially if someone is coming on with their own personal propaganda. Don't be suckered in. It's important to think for yourself; however, today this will be difficult to do. Protect yourself by postponing decisions and money matters for another day.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

A difficult day

Relations with parents, bosses and authority figures, including the police, will be fuzzy and confusing. It's not you. It's just the way things are today. Knowing this ahead of time, do not react. Do not act. Do not follow through on anything that seems a bit far-fetched. People are prone to make poor decisions today. Stay chill.

If your birthday is today

Actor Brad Pitt (1963) shares your birthday. You are a leader and others respect you. You're idealistic, playful and sometimes stubborn. This has been a fun-loving year for you. However, you are headed into a year of work, building and construction — both externally and internally. Simplicity will be the key. Explore exercise, martial arts or yoga.

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