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Путин и Рахмон дали старт культурным мегапроектам в Душанбе

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5 security men martyred in D.I. Khan, Shangla


DERA ISMAIL KHAN / SHANGLA: Five security personnel were martyred and several others injured in two separate incidents — an IED blast in Dera Ismail Khan and a militant attack on a police checkpoint in Sha­ngla district — on Tuesday.

In the first incident, an improvised explosive device (IED) targeted a security forces’ vehicle in the Zarkani area of Daraban tehsil in Dera Ismail Khan. Three personnel were martyred and two others injured in the incident, sources said.

The martyred soldiers were identified as Ashfaq, Mukhtiar Wali and Arif, while Farzand and Sami sustained injuries. The injured were transported to Combined Military Hospital (CMH), Dera Ismail Khan.

Following the blast, a heavy contingent of police and security forces arrived at the scene and started rescue and search operations.

KP governor terms situation ‘alarming’, says provincial govt remains a spectator

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the military’s media wing, did not immediately confirm the incident.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Gov­e­rnor Faisal Karim Kundi condemned the attack, stating that deteriorating security situation in the province was alarming. He also criticised the provincial government’s alleged inaction, alleging that the administration remained a mere spectator.

In a statement, the governor termed the attack on the security forces’ vehicle a conspiracy by elements against Pakistan, Islam and humanity. He also prayed for the swift recovery of the injured personnel.

Terrorist attack

In the second incident, armed gunmen stormed a police checkpoint in the Gunangar area of Chakesar tehsil, Shangla district, in the early hours of Tuesday, martyring two personnel, including an ASI, and injuring three others.

This photo combo shows policemen who were martryed in an attack on a checkpost in KP’s Shangla district early on Tuesday. — via Umar Bacha

Shangla District Police Off­icer (DPO) Imran Khan said the militants launched a coordinated attack with hea­vy weapons, including rocket shells and hand grenades, targeting the remote checkpoint near the Indus River.

Constable Nisar Ahmed was martyred on the spot, while ASI Muhammad Has­san succumbed to his injuries at Battagram Hos­pital. The injured were identified as Arshad Iqbal, Arshad Ali and Rafatullah.

DPO Imran Khan said that one militant was also injured in retaliatory fire but managed to escape into nearby mountains, leaving blood stains along the route.

The funeral prayers for the martyred personnel were offered at Shangla Police Lines and attended by senior officials, including Deputy Commissioner Fawad Ahmed, MPA Mohammad Rashad Khan and former senator Maulana Rahat Hussain. A police contingent presented a salute as a mark of respect for their sacrifice.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Inspector General of Police (IGP) Akhtar Hayat Khan praised the bravery of the personnel, vowing that their sacrifices would not go in vain. “Terrorists involved in the attack will be arrested and brought to justice soon,” he said.

Protest against militancy

Following the burial, residents, including members of civil society, staged a protest at Alpuri Chowk, demanding the restoration of peace and an end to terrorist attacks in the district.

Protesters warned of holding a sit-in if immediate measures were not taken to curb the resurgence of militancy.

Federal minister Engi­neer Amir Muqam also condemned the Shangla attack, describing it as a “cowardly act” that cannot shake the resolve of the nation’s security forces.

“These brave young men stand like a wall of steel against the enemy,” he said, paying tribute to the martyrs and their families.

Published in Dawn, December 18th, 2024

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