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These peanut butter pairings that may surprise you

Peanut butter is a childhood staple for many of us. Whether it's a classic PB&J sandwich, a fluffernutter, cookies or just a big spoonful, peanut butter is a nutritious, filling and versatile food that can be dressed up or down for any occasion.

With National Peanut Butter Month in November, there's no better time to explore its delicious potential.

From savory to sweet, peanut butter has the versatility to pair with ingredients you might never expect. Whether it's the sharp tang of blue cheese or the smoky richness of bacon, these unexpected combinations will make you rethink how to eat peanut butter.

The history of peanut butter in the US

The American public's love affair with peanut butter began at the dawn of the 20th century, when it was showcased at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair. Over the years it became a diet staple. The popularity of peanut butter increased exponentially during The Great Depression as it was an affordable and healthful protein during a challenging time for many families.

Today we're fortunate to have various peanut butter options, from creamy to crunchy, flavored or enhanced with mix-ins and incorporated into sweet and savory dishes. From breakfast to stir-fry dinners, peanut butter is a popular ingredient, but there are always new flavors to discover. Give one of these unusual peanut butter combos a try.

Not your usual peanut butter pairings

These daring combos aren't the typical peanut butter favorites you serve your kids or enjoy with a glass of milk. They are rich, bold flavors that are a must try for true foodies.

Peanut butter and kimchi

Kimchi is a Korean dish made from fermented vegetables — typically radish and napa cabbage — seasoned with ginger, garlic, gochugaru and other spices. Gut health has been a hot topic in recent years with condiments like kimchi and sauerkraut becoming increasingly popular.

Kimchi is often served as an accompaniment to soup or eggs, but consider serving this punchy side dish alongside peanut butter for added health benefits, like fat and protein. Kimchi and peanut butter can be combined to create a savory, sweet and spicy sauce for an Asian noodle bowl or even a kimchi and peanut butter sandwich.

Blue cheese and peanut butter

Blue cheese is typically paired with dried fruits and nuts on a cheese platter or made into a sauce. It has a strong, tangy flavor and a creamy texture, making it both bold and distinctive; a versatility that lends itself to experimentation.

Recently the peanut butter cup and blue cheese combo went viral with many calling it the perfect mix of sweet and tart.

Consider an open-faced peanut butter sandwich topped with blue cheese crumbles or an iceberg wedge drizzled with a mix of blue cheese dressing and peanut butter for a sweet and tangy take on the classic salad.

Peanut butter and jelly wings

This reimagined staple is a current favorite at the 2024 Food and Wine Festival at EPCOT in Walt Disney World (running through Nov 23). Disney calls this combination sticky wings with peanut sauce and grape gel with celery and ranch. What it boils down to really, is PB&J chicken wings, and the reviews across social media have been positive. Guests have described them as peanut butter glazed wings served with a crunchy crushed peanut topping, which is rather intriguing and easy to recreate at home in the air fryer.

Olives and peanut butter

Olives add a briny, salty depth to the creamy nuttiness of peanut butter. The salty and slightly sweet combination can work in spreads, sauces or dips. You can even try it on a sandwich but don't forget the mayo.

Peanut butter and sardines

Sardines' strong, oily and salty taste creates an unexpected harmony with peanut butter's smooth, sweet nuttiness.

This pairing is adventurous and is best spread on crusty bread or rye crackers.

Peanut butter and bacon sandwich

Peanut Butter Strawberry Jam and Bacon Sandwiches


Creamy, sweet peanut butter paired with the smoky saltiness of bacon sounds like the perfect late-morning sandwich, especially if the bacon is still crispy.

Another tasty option would be to use maple-flavored bacon for an additional layer of flavor.

Peanut butter avocado toast

For an extra serving of healthy fats, consider avocado toast layered with peanut butter, avocado, banana slices and pumpkin seeds.

While it may sound off putting at first, remember there are numerous recipes online for protein shakes that include both peanut butter and avocado together.

If you prefer to eat your breakfast rather than drink it, this twist on toast is a great option.

Peanut butter coffee

Did someone say PB Latte?

Peanut butter can be stirred into coffee for a creamy, nutty and slightly sweet flavor boost, adding a unique richness to the drink. Try it hot or iced.

Experiment with your favorite ingredients

Think outside the jar and consider some new and unusual ways to enjoy peanut butter in your home. Peanut butter is a readily available and versatile ingredient that lends itself to experimentation. So it's time to dig and create your own unusual combos. You may just uncover a viral treat that takes over the internet.

Michele Brosius is the creator of Midlife Healthy Living.

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