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Pregnant Kylie Kelce Has a Go-to Move After Finishing ‘Outside of the House Responsibilities’ & Moms Everywhere Get It

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As a mom of three (and pregnant with baby number four!), Kylie Kelce is very busy. She takes care of her daughters with husband Jason Kelce, is involved with numerous charities, coaches field hockey, and now hosts the popular new podcast, Not Gonna Lie. But when she’s not doing all that, she transitions into home mode in the most relatable way, and we’ve never loved her more.

Kylie shared a special “Day in the Life” video on Instagram yesterday, full of fun tidbits of her life as mom to Wyatt, 5, Elliotte, 3, and Bennett, 1. “We’re gonna do a little day in the life of a busy mom and a new podcaster,” Kylie says in the video, which was presented by her podcast and sponsor Dunkin’ Donuts.

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA – SEPTEMBER 08: (L-R) Jason Kelce and Kylie Kelce attend Thursday Night Football Presents The World Premiere of “Kelce” on September 08, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Lisa Lake/Getty Images for Prime Video)

She starts by filling up the girls’ water bottles for school, then dropping them off while she grabs iced coffee and a glazed donut from Dunkin’. She orders her go-to iced coffee and takes a selfie with the employees before heading home. First thing she does: pick up toys off the floor (the bane of every mom’s existence!).

“I don’t know about everybody else, but our floor is never clean,” she says, while tossing random toys into a nearby Frozen pail. “My best bet of trying to clean it is while the kids are not in the house,” she continues, while picking up a Taylor Swift: A Little Golden Book Biography. Aww, these girls are reading up about Uncle Travis Kelce’s girlfriend! “It’ll take ‘em five minutes to mess it back up,” Kylie continues. But before that happens, at least you’ll get a few moments of sanity, right? Moms get it.

After field hockey practice, Kylie records an episode of her podcast. Once finished, she does the most relatable thing we’ve ever seen: she switches into comfy mode!

“I undid myself and got in my comfy clothes because I’m done with my outside of the house responsibilities today,” Kylie says, showing off her stripped-down, no-makeup look, hair in a messy bun, and a t-shirt with sweatpants. “It’s now inside the house responsibilities.”

Yes! I can’t stand wearing my outside clothes while relaxing at home, and I love how Kylie is normalizing this. A mom’s work is never done, but if the leaving-the-house part of your day is over, then why not get a little comfy and let your hair down (or put it up, as the case may be)?

Fast-forward to the end of the video, and Kylie has a quick convo with her last remaining daughter who is still awake. “I’m two for three at bedtime at this point,” she says, leaning down to ask her daughter, “Hey, should we get donuts for breakfast?”

“Yeah, sure,” she responds in her adorable toddler voice. “Sure.” The most unenthusiastic response ever, we love it!

Commenters loved this relatable video. “The changing when you have no outside responsibilities is so real,” one person commented. “It’s like I step in my home and my hair is up, my sweats are on and I’m ready to be comfy again. ????”

“Amen to in the house responsibility clothes! This is more realistic,” someone else wrote.

In last week’s episode of her podcast, Kylie opened up about the toys she doesn’t want people to get her kids for Christmas this year, dubbing it the “please don’t buy this for my children guide to holiday shopping.”

This includes toys that take more than five minutes to assemble, toys covered in glitter, toys with lots of little pieces, and more. Toys with no volume control are another hard pass, she said, explaining that her father-in-law Ed Kelce once got her daughter a drum set that “got retired after a week.”

“There’s still a deep amount of guilt associated with the fact that I hid a Christmas gift from my child because I couldn’t stand to listen to that damn thing for one more minute at the volume that it was playing at,” Kylie said. “I’m so sorry, Ed!”

Kylie is keeping things real about motherhood, and we feel so seen!

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