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Incogni helps stop scam calls and removes your info from data brokers

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Everybody these days seems to know how important it is to protect their personal info. What they often don't realize, however, is how exposed they truly are. Data brokers and people search sites exist solely to collect information about you and sell it to anyone and everyone willing to pay. That exposes you to scams, spam, robocalls, marketing mailers, phishing, and more.

People often feel helpless when they learn that their info is already being sold on dozens or even more than 100 different data broker sites and people search sites. Thankfully, you'll stop feeling helpless when you realize how easy it is to protect yourself and have your data removed with Incogni.

BGR's savvy readers are undoubtedly already aware of services like data brokers and people search sites. These companies exist solely to dig up your personal info, store it, and sell it to anyone willing to buy it. It's not just your name and email they're after, of course. Other data they collect and sell may include phone numbers, mailing addresses, and even social security numbers.

The bad news is that there are countless websites out there that are dedicated to this shady practice — and the worse news is that many of them already have your personal information.

You obviously want to protect yourself and your family from these unscrupulous data brokers. Unfortunately, you can spend a lifetime trying to find and remove your info from all the sites that have it. That's where Incogni comes in, and we'll explain everything you need to know about this must-have service.

What is Incogni?

Image source: Incogni

Data brokers and people search sites are required by law to allow you to request that your personal info be removed from their sites. Unfortunately, there are no guidelines in place that force these companies to make it easy for you. That means they typically make the process as difficult and time-consuming as possible.

Why would they make it so difficult for you to remove your info? The answer is fairly obvious.

These shady companies do it in the hopes that you won't bother jumping through all their hoops. If they can scare you away from making the effort to have your personal info removed, they can keep selling your contact details to marketing companies, scammers, and spammers.

You can think of Incogni as an autopilot that goes through this painful process on your behalf while you just sit back and relax.

How does it work?

Image source: Incogni

Once you sign up for Incogni, it walks you through the setup process and collects all of the info it might need to issue removal requests on your behalf. Then, Incogni goes to work.

It scours the web for sites that have your personal info. When it finds you listed with a data broker or people search site, it automatically goes through the process of submitting a removal request for you. It also monitors the process every step of the way and then confirms once your info has been removed.

Everything is automated with Incogni, and there's a dashboard where you can monitor the progress of all your removal requests. Incogni monitors more than 200 data brokers and people search sites, so you can rest assured that the service is remarkably thorough.

After Incogni does its thing and has your info removed from all those sites, you'll notice a huge drop in the amount of new robocalls, spam emails, and physical marketing mailers you receive. You'll also have much better protection against scams and phishing because many of the people who carry out these attacks won't have access to the contact info that lets them target you.

Now, there's one last thing to keep in mind, and it's crucially important: The fight isn't over once Incogni has your info removed from all those sites.

Unfortunately, there's nothing to prevent data brokers and people search sites from collecting and selling your info again after a while. Sadly, it happens all the time. The good news is that as long as you subscribe to Incogni, it will keep monitoring sites for your info. If any of those shady services list you again, Incogni will automatically have your details removed.

How do you get started?

Image source: Incogni

Getting started with Incogni couldn't be easier — especially while the company is running a huge sale that slashes the price of annual plans by more than half.

First, head over to the Incogni website. You'll find plenty of information about the company and the services it offers. Once you're ready, click the "Get Started" button to sign up.

For a limited time, Incogni is running a special promotion that saves you 58% on annual plans with the coupon code XMDEAL24. Thankfully, the offer applies to both individual and family plans, so you can save money while protecting everyone in your household.

Here's what pricing looks like with this deal:

  • Individual plan (monthly): $14.98
  • Family & Friends plan (monthly): $32.98
  • Individual plan (annual): $179.76 $75.50 ($6.29/mo)
  • Family & Friends plan (annual): $395.76 $166.22 ($13.85/mo)

Incogni's Family & Friends plan includes coverage for a total of 5 people, including yourself. Each person can supply up to 3 phone numbers, 3 email addresses, and 3 mailing addresses. Of course, the individual plan covers you alone, though you can still supply up to 3 phone numbers, 3 email addresses, and 3 mailing addresses.

The sooner you get started with Incogni, the sooner you and your family will be protected against robocalls, scammers, spammers, marketers, phishing attacks, and more. Data brokers and people search sites can even inadvertently impact things like loan eligibility and insurance rates, so you'd have to be crazy not to take steps to protect yourself and your family.

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The post Incogni helps stop scam calls and removes your info from data brokers appeared first on BGR.

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Incogni helps stop scam calls and removes your info from data brokers originally appeared on BGR.com on Tue, 17 Dec 2024 at 07:53:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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