Economist Steve Moore told FOX Business Network on Monday morning to discuss the amazing changes playing out on the global stage and here at home since President Donald Trump won his election in November in a landslide.
Stephen pointed out how world leaders and business leaders are flocking to Mar-a-Lago to meet with President Trump before his return next month to the White House.
Stephen also predicted we are going to see major governments topple bringing in populist Trumpian candidates in the next 18 months.
This will be a great thing and will bring prosperity to the entire world.
Stuart Varney: It’s a perfect time to bring in our favorite economist, Stephen Moore. Steve, it sounds to me like Biden’s already trying to take credit for any economic progress in Trump’s next term. He’s trying to grab credit for what Trump’s going to do in the future. What say you?
Steve Moore: Well, Stuart, I just can’t stop smiling because this is an amazing story. $100 billion of new investment in the United States! I think you said 100,000 jobs.
Stuart Varney: Yep.
Steve Moore: Oh, my God, we’ve been waiting for this for a long time, haven’t we? In fact, Biden, we’ve seen a lot of disinvestment in the United States and factories and businesses moving out. They’re moving back in right now.
And Trump isn’t even President yet. That’s the most amazing thing. He doesn’t actually take office. He doesn’t move into the Oval Office for another month. But doesn’t it seem like Stuart, he’s almost like the acting President right now in terms of the way he’s conducting himself and the way all the foreign leaders are coming to meet with him.
So it’s exciting. And by the way, you guys put it very well. If this didn’t happen by accident, it’s the lower energy costs, it’s the lower tax rates, it’s the deregulation of the economy. All of these things paint a very rosy scenario. But no, the economy today is not good. As you said, the average inflation of goods and services is up 21% since Biden came into office, and incomes are only up by about 18%.
So no, the average family does not feel like they’re better off than they were four years ago, and that’s what the election was all about.
Stuart Varney: It certainly was. In your new article, you’re saying that Trump is igniting a worldwide revolt against the elites. Sounds good to me. Tell me more.
Steve Moore: Yeah, no, it is happening all over. And by the way, Britain I think, will be one of the first dominoes to fall. You’ve got an incompetent labor government there. The conservative party screwed up. I think people around the world, in Britain, in Europe, in many of the South American countries, in Asian countries, you saw what happened in Korea, where they ousted their prime minister. You’re seeing it in France. You’re seeing it all over the world. Trump isn’t just popular here in the United States. Everybody in the world is looking at what’s happening in America with this populist power to the people movement, and people are saying, Hey, what about that here in our country. So yes, I’m predicting within the next 18 months, you’re going to see major governments topple bringing in populist Trumpian candidates. I think it’s a great thing because it’ll bring prosperity to the whole world.
Via Varney and Co.:
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