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‘Bluey’ Movie Set for 2027 Theatrical Release

Prepare to see “Bluey” like you’ve never seen her before. The beloved Australian series is getting a movie, which is set for a 2027 theatrical release.

The movie will come from Disney and BBC Studios and will be released theatrically under the Disney banner. Afterward a global release, it will then be available to stream on Disney+. The movie will also air on ABC iView and ABC Kids in Australia after its theatrical release.

The movie, which currently doesn’t have a name, will be written and directed by series creator Joe Brumm. Little is known about the movie’s plot, but it will continue the adventures of blue heeler pup Bluey along with her Mum, Dad and little sister Bingo. It will be produced by Ludo Studio as well as BBC Studios.

Melanie Zanetti and David McCormack, who voice Bluey and Bingo’s parents Chilli and Bandit, will star in the animated movie. The music will be created by composer Joff Bush. Award-winning animation produce Amber Naismith (“Happy Feet,” “The Lego Movie”) is attached to the project, and Richard Jeffery will return to co-direct.

Brumm will serve as an executive producer on the movie alongside Charlie Aspinwall and Daley Pearson from Ludo Studio and Justine Flynn for BBC Studios. On Disney’s side, the film will be overseen by David Greenbaum, president of Disney Live Action and 20th Century Studios, and his team.

Though “Bluey” is known and often praised for its seven-minute episodes, this isn’t the first time the franchise has experimented with its storytelling length. The critically praised “The Sign” was a 28-minute episode. The series also released a collection of shorts, each of which ranged one to three minutes in length.

“I really enjoyed the experience of working with a longer format on ‘The Sign’ in Series 3, so going even further with a feature film feels like a natural extension of that. I’ve always thought ‘Bluey’ deserved a theatrical movie,” series creator Brumm said in a press release. “I want this to be an experiential event for the whole family to enjoy together. I’m excited to continue to partner with Cecilia Persson, Tom Fussell and the team at BBC Studios, and Dana Walden, Alan Bergman and Disney to bring this new ‘Bluey’ story to the big screen.”

“We are so proud to expand upon our relationship with BBC Studios to bring the magic of ‘Bluey’ to the big screen – for real life! – and we are deeply grateful to Joe Brumm for creating a world that continues to inspire and delight families everywhere,” Alan Bergman and Dana Walden, co-chairmen for Disney Entertainment, said in a joint statement to press.

Tom Fussell, CEO of BBC Studios, noted that the company is “incredibly excited” to bring “Bluey” to the big screen given its international success. “BBC Studios has a long history of bringing the very best children’s television to the world in new and exciting ways, so working with Joe and the team, we felt a feature-length film was the natural next step,” Fussell said.

As for Ludo Studio, they highlighted the work and dedication of the more than fifty artists and producers over the past eight years who helped create this worldwide hit. “We’re excited to continue showing Queensland as a home for world-class talent and to share a new beautiful ‘Bluey’ story by Joe Brumm with families around the world,” Daley Pearson and Charlie Aspinwall, co-founders and directors of Ludo Studio, said in a statement.

A “Bluey” movie is a natural next step for this particular franchise. The Emmy and BAFTA-winning animated series is ending 2024 as the No. 1 show on streaming. From January to November of this year, the children’s series accumulated over 50.5 billion minutes watched, which translates to 842 million hours, according to Nielsen.

The post ‘Bluey’ Movie Set for 2027 Theatrical Release appeared first on TheWrap.

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