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Новости от TheMoneytizer

Fragrance-lovers go wild for Marks and Spencer’s £10 dupe of £135 Burberry scent 

MARKS and Spencer have been receiving heaps of praise recently for their incredible designer dupes.

And the latest additions to their Discover range have got luxury scent lovers racing to their stores.

The Warm Fig Eau de Toilette has been likened to Phlur’s Father Figure scent.
Burberry Goddess lovers have been amazed at the similarities to the M&S Frosted Vanilla scent.

The leading British retailer said: “‘Discoverʼ offers you a variety of scents mapped across the fragrance families for you to explore and find your perfect scent.”

But fans have been quick to notice similarities between the scent of the pocket-friendly M&S products and higher-end luxury fragrance giants.

Now, M&S have released a gorgeously festive £10 Eau de Toilette called ‘Frosted Vanilla’ – and keen-nosed shoppers have been quick to liken it to Burberry‘s £135 Burberry Goddess.

On the website, M&S describes the scent as having a: “delicate blend of sweet vanilla and juicy pear, creating an irresistible aroma that will linger long after the celebrations end.”

Burberry’s fragrance is ‘led by a powerful trio of vanillas, enriched with luminous lavender’.

Another knock-out new addition to the Discover range is the Warm Fig Eau de Toilette – also priced at just £10.

M&S says: “This enticing scent evokes a festive feeling with notes of sun-ripened fig and decadent cassis, balanced by a touch of spice.”

And fans have pointed out the scent is a dupe for the £99 Father Figure scent by Phlur.

TikTokker @gem.ellison posted a video of the fragrances online, telling viewers: “Oh my God girls, Marksies [sic] have done it again with these perfume dupes.

TikTok / @gem.ellison
Gem told TikTokkers to ‘run’ to their closest M&S[/caption]
TikTok / @gem.ellison
She couldn’t believe the fragrances are just £10 for 100ml.[/caption]

“Frosted Vanilla is like Burberry Goddess and Warm Fig is like Phlur Father Figure”

The comment section was quick to fill up, with one person commenting: ” I’m obsessed with M&S perfumes.”

Another person agreed, saying: “Bought these yesterday, I love both of them. Perfect for work.”

Both Frosted Vanilla and Warm Fig are limited edition fragrances, introduced to the range in celebration of the winter festive season.

So shoppers will have to be quick to secure them before they run out.

But don’t worry – these limited edition fragrances aren’t the only dupes in the Discover range.

Gardenia and Vanilla has been dubbed a dupe for Daisy by Marc Jacobs.

Gardenia and Vanilla

Gardenia and Vanilla has been dubbed the £10 version of Marc Jacob’s Daisy, which retails for a mid-range £52.

The M&S fragrance contains rich notes of vanilla and sandalwood, combined with fragrant top notes of gardenia and grapefruit.

Fans of the cult-classic YSL Black Opium have loved Midnight Blossom as a cheaper alternative.

Midnight Blossom

Currently out of stock online, Midnight Blossom by M&S has gone viral on social media.

The £10 eau de toilette has been lauded as a dupe for YSL’s iconic Black Opium, a scent which will usually set you back £95.

M&S boasts the fragrance has ‘layers of soft florals and warm, musky undertones’, with sweet jasmine intertwined with deep notes of tuberose and subtle hints of amber.

Apothecary Warmth shares the fragrant notes of Le Labo’s Santal 33.

Apothecary Warmth

In addition to the Discover range, Marks and Spencer’s Apothecary range has been acknowledged as a fragrance dupe goldmine.

The Apothecary Warmth fragrance is just £12 and has been named a dupe of Le Labo’s Santal 33 – which retails for a massive £170.

The Warmth fragrance has key notes of cardamom, cinnamon leaf, cedarwood and sandalwood.

The best perfume dupes on the high street

WE all love a good perfume, but they can also be pricey. So why not try a dupe from the high street instead? Here's some of the best:

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Marks & Spencer:

Apothecary Warmth, £9.50 – dupe for Le Labo’s Santal 33 – BUY NOW

Sea Salt and Neroli, £13 – dupe for Tom Ford’s Neroli Portofino – BUY NOW

Midnight Blossom, £10 – dupe for Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium – BUY NOW

Soft Iris, £10 – dupe for Chanel Coco Mademoiselle – BUY NOW


Energetically New York, £25.99 – dupe for Le Labo’s Santal 33

Nude Bouquet, £12.99 – dupe for Dior’s Miss Dior

Applejuice, £12.99 – dupe for DKNY’s Be Delicious

Sublime Epoque, £22.99 – dupe for Armani My Way


Empress, £5.99 – dupe for Paco Rabanne Olympéa 

Feminine, £6.99 – dupe for Coco Mademoiselle

Masculine, £6.99 – dupe for Jean Paul Gaultier’s Le Male

Hotel Collection No39 Poppy and Barley, £6.99 – dupe for Jo Malone’s Poppy and Barley

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