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I’m in a ‘cousins with benefits’ relationship – we were like rabbits in our teens & are cheating on our spouses together

A MAN has revealed that for the past 20 years, he has been having a ‘cousins with benefits’ relationship.

Not only has he been sneaking past his family to go to hotels to meet his cousin for sex, but the pair of them are also having a full-blown affair too.

A man has revealed that not only is he in a ‘cousins with benefits’ relationship, but it’s all behind his spouse’s back[/caption]
The anonymous man explained that his relationship with his cousin has been going on in secret for over 20 years – with them often sneaking to hotels for cheeky bonks[/caption]

Things started when they were both just children – and the anonymous man claimed that they were like ‘rabbits’ in their teens. 

And now, despite being in separate relationships and living 20 minutes from each other, they still find the time to meet up and get freaky.

Keen to open up about the situation, the man took to social media to reveal all, leaving many open-mouthed.

Posting on Reddit, on the r/confession thread, the man wrote under the username @CuzWBenefits and titled his post ‘I have been in an ongoing sexual relationship with my cousin for over 20 years.’

The man explained that he has ‘no regrets’ about the situation, as he shared: “This all started when we were 12 years old. We lived a few miles apart growing up, so we knew each other since we were babies

“We began fooling around and checking each other out at about 12 years old. 

“The first few years we would have sex on a regular basis, we were like rabbits. 

“Our families took vacations together, we would find ways to get away from the family and have sex.”

The man admitted that the cousins kept their sexual relationship a secret, with a near few misses.

He continued: “We almost got caught a few times. We hid in each other’s closets or under the bed on more than one occasion. 

“At school, our friends knew or were getting suspicions that something was up. Her and I were inseparable and our friends saw this. 

“We both found ways to lie to people we knew to hide this.”

But when he started driving, things were able to go to the next level, as he confessed: “This gave us a chance to get away from home and we would go places to have sex and mess around. 

Can I marry my cousin in the UK?

ACROSS the globe, more than 10 percent of marriages are between first or second cousins.

In the UK, there’s no legal bar to two cousins having a relationship.

That means that if end up falling for the children of your aunts and uncles, there’s nothing stopping you from eventually tying the knot.

If you’re over the age of 18, you can do this without the consent of your legal guardian or parent.

First-cousin marriages were once quite common in Europe, especially among the elite.

“We were still going at it several times a week. We would go away for a weekend with each other. We would tell our parents that we are going skiing with friends or going camping with friends. 

“We would immediately start to make love as soon as we go to where we were staying, sometime on the way there. 

“The passion was still like the first time. We were both crazy for each other.”

However, when they both went to university in different states in the US, they felt the distance.

He acknowledged: “When we both left, we both got hit hard by the separation. We talked on the phone a great deal, chatted on the computer and did video chatting also. 

“Holiday breaks, we would get together again. We eventually went our separate ways.”

And despite both of them getting into relationships with other people, their sexual antics didn’t end.

Four red flags your partner is cheating

Private Investigator Aaron Bond from BondRees revealed four warning signs your partner might be cheating.

They start to take their phone everywhere with them

In close relationships, it’s normal to know each other’s passwords and use each other’s phones, if their phone habits change then they may be hiding something.

Aaron says: “If your partner starts changing their passwords, starts taking their phone everywhere with them, even around the house or they become defensive when you ask to use their phone it could be a sign of them not being faithful.”

“You should also look at how they place their phone down when not in use. If they face the phone with the screen facing down, then they could be hiding something.”

They start telling you less about their day

When partners cheat they can start to avoid you, this could be down to them feeling guilty or because it makes it easier for them to lie to you.

“If you feel like your partner has suddenly begun to avoid you and they don’t want to do things with you any more or they stop telling you about their day then this is another red flag.”

“Partners often avoid their spouses or tell them less about their day because cheating can be tough, remembering all of your lies is impossible and it’s an easy way to get caught out,” says Aaron.

Their libido changes

Your partner’s libido can change for a range of reasons so it may not be a sure sign of cheating but it can be a red flag according to Aaron.

Aaron says: “Cheaters often have less sex at home because they are cheating, but on occasions, they may also have more sex at home, this is because they feel guilty and use this increase in sex to hide their cheating.  You may also find that your partner will start to introduce new things into your sex life that weren’t there before.”

They become negative towards you

Cheaters know that cheating is wrong and to them, it will feel good, this can cause tension and anxiety within themselves which they will need to justify.

“To get rid of the tension they feel inside they will try to convince themselves that you are the problem and they will become critical of you out of nowhere.  Maybe you haven’t walked the dog that day, put the dishes away or read a book to your children before bedtime.  A small problem like this can now feel like a big deal and if you experience this your partner could be cheating,” warns Aaron.

The man opened up: “She met a great guy that I really like. I met a woman that she loves too. We are fans of each other’s spouses. 

“We live 20 minutes from each other. We also still have the occasional sex with each other. 

“We would meet in a hotel or something and have sex all night. We even took a trip together, told our spouses we each had a business trip. 

If she was feeling horny or I was feeling in the mood, we would call each other and meet up somewhere and have sex

Reddit poster

“We would get there and barely leave the hotel room. I found out shortly after I got married, that I was unable to bear children.

“My cousin and I had sex without a condom for the first time shortly after this. It was amazing. 

“Our sex has been reduced to maybe once a month, rarely twice. If she was feeling horny or I was feeling in the mood, we would call each other and meet up somewhere and have sex. 

“We are now ‘Cousins with Benefits’ you can say I guess.”

Reddit users react

Reddit users were left totally stunned by the man’s claims and quickly flocked to the comments to share their thoughts on the situation. 

Many voiced that it wasn’t necessarily their incestuous relationship that was wrong, it was their infidelity

The Law on Incest in the UK

INCEST refers to sexual activity between close family members, such as siblings, parents and children, or grandparents and grandchildren.

  • Criminal Offence: Engaging in sexual activity with a close family member is illegal.
  • Close Family Members: Includes siblings (full or half), parents, children, grandparents, and grandchildren.
  • Penalties: Those found guilty of incest can face significant legal consequences, including imprisonment.
  • Protection and Welfare: The law aims to protect individuals and maintain the integrity of family relationships.
  • Consent Irrelevant: Even if both parties consent, it is still considered a criminal offence.

One person said: “The biggest problem with this is the two of you being dishonest to your spouses. Both of you should be ashamed for THAT behaviour, not the sex.” 

Another added: “It’s an incredible violation of trust. You are using your family connection to each other as a cover for a long term ongoing affair.” 

A third commented: “Do you, man. We all have our deep secrets we hope never get out. Just stop cheating on your spouse. That just isn’t fair and can be super hurtful.” 

The biggest problem with this is the two of you being dishonest to your spouses

Reddit user

Whilst someone else penned: “People can look past the incest because it’s between two consenting adults. The cheating…is a killer.” 

Not only this, but another chimed in: “I don’t have a problem with you f*****g your cousin, especially considering you can’t have children. Weird and socially taboo in today’s day and age, yes, but it used to be done all the time. 

“What I do have a problem with is cheating. If you’re caught, I think you’ll find that to be the greater taboo with worse consequences. 

“People will think it’s gross that you’re b*****g your cousin already, but that you’re doing it behind your spouses’ backs will make it ten times worse.”

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Где жить дорого, где - дешевле? - Станислав Дмитриевич Кондрашов