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7 luxury Kent hotels to book for your 2025 getaway

You’ve spent the last few weeks stocking up on Christmas presents for everyone else, so isn’t it about time you treated yourself?

Give yourself something to look forward to next year by booking a lavish staycation at one of these luxurious Kent hotels…

Book a stay at Ernest, one of the luxury rooms at Boys Halls in Willesborough. Picture: Mark Anthony Fox

BOYS HALL, Ashford

This nine-bedroom hotel was named the best place to stay in the South East by The Times and Sunday Times’ guide earlier this year, so you know it’s been tried and tested. The Grade II-listed manor, run by couple Bradley and Kristie Lomas, has also earned two AA rosettes and a spot in the Michelin guide since opening in 2022. Each bedroom has super king beds, roll top baths and views overlooking the gardens, and the restaurant has a seasonal menu with dishes cooked over fire and a well-stocked wine cellar.

Details: Boys Hall is located on Boys Hall Road in Willesborough, near Ashford. Rooms can be booked online here or by calling 01233 427727.

The Firepit is one of two restaurants at The Cave, offering a unique sharing-plate experience and world cuisine

THE CAVE, near Faversham

This stylish hotel boasts a huge number of amenities, including the sauna, spa, hydrotherapy pool and state-of-the-art gym. There’s also a golf course if you’re keen to tee off and two restaurants - the Korean Cowgirl and The Firepit - serving signature cocktails and Asian-American fusion food. The hotel has been visited by celebrity guests, including Jesy Nelson, Katie Price, Jordan Banjo and Carrie Hope Fletcher, and was the winner of Hotel of the Year in last year’s Kent & Medway Food & Drink Awards.

Details: The Cave is located on Brickfield Lane in Boughton-under-Blean, near Faversham. Rooms can be booked online here or by calling 01227 752 277.

Think you know a hotel that can do better? Send us your nominations for this year’s Kent & Medway Food & Drink Awards.

The rooms at Hever Castle all have a nod to the landmark’s history. Picture: Hever Castle and Gardens

HEVER CASTLE, Edenbridge

Live like royalty (even if it’s only for a few days) with a stay at the historic Hever Castle. The grand estate offers two types of accommodation – stay in the Astor and Anne Boleyn Wings, both housing Tudor-style rooms attached to the main castle, or Medley Court, the four-bedroom cottage with a wood-pannelled dining room, cosy lounge and fireplace, and bathrooms with power showers and claw foot baths.

Details: Hever Castle is located on Hever Road in Hever, near Edenbridge. Rooms can be booked online here or by calling 01732 861800.

As well as the main castle, guests can also stay in the lakeside lodges, holiday cottages and the Battel Hall (pictured). Picture: Leeds Castle

LEEDS CASTLE, near Maidstone

Spend the night in the opulent Castle State and Battlement rooms at Leeds Castle, one of Kent’s biggest attractions. You could end up sleeping in Lady Baillie’s guestroom where friends of the castle’s former owner, such as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Winston Churchill and Charlie Chaplin, once stayed. Or, you could experience the staff quarters, which have now been restored and turned into charming guest rooms with beautiful views of the grounds and gardens.

Details: Leeds Castle is located in Broomfield, near Maidstone. Rooms can be booked online here.

Stay overnight with lions, tigers, leopards, bears and giraffes at Port Lympne. Picture: Port Lympne Hotel and Reserve


Wake up to tigers and lions outside your window or giraffes stalking the Kentish savannah with a stay at one of Port Lympne’s cabins. These countryside lodges are located inside the animal enclosures and give visitors a chance to come face-to-face with the park’s rare and endangered species. There are also the rustic treehouses that overlook the 600-acre reserve and the transparent Lookout Bubble domes that let you fall asleep under the stars.

Details: Port Lympne Hotel and Reserve is located on Aldington Road in Lympne, near Hythe. Rooms can be booked online here.

Rowhill Grange is a luxury spa and hotel that is perfect for a relaxing break with friends or a romantic getaway. Picture: Blueprintx

ROWHILL GRANGE, near Dartford

This stunning Roman-style spa is great for a couples’ getaway, offering romantic side-by-side massages and a cosy relaxation room. There’s also 21 treatment rooms to choose from, along with two floors of pools, monsoon showers, a steam room, a hot tub and a small gym. The rooms and suites all have oversized bathtubs, Michael Northcroft furnishings and comfy beds.

Details: Rowhill Grange Hotel and Utopia Spa is located at Top Dartford Road in Wilmington, near Dartford. Book online here or by calling 01322 615136.

Some rooms at the Sissinghurst Castle Farmhouse have views of the grand Elizabethan tower. Picture: Jo Hatcher


The Victorian farmhouse at Sissinghurst Castle has been refurbished by the National Trust and turned into a nine-bedroom bed-and-breakfast. Every bedroom has views across the world-famous estate or towards the Elizabethan tower, and it’s only 50 metres from the glorious gardens. The rooms all have different furnishings, from original fireplaces to sash windows, and offer a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle.

Details: Sissinghurst Castle Farmhouse is located at Biddenden Road in Sissinghurst, near Cranbrook. Rooms can be booked online or by calling 01580 720992.

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