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We tested Bandolier's celeb-favorite crossbody phone case with a built-in wallet — it's a genius accessory that's worth the hype

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You can get a Bandolier case for almost all iPhone models.

When everything you need is right at your hip, you can move a lot more freely. There are many iterations of the wearable phone-wallet case, but Bandolier does it best for our needs. Besides being extremely convenient for us to use, they have the luxe look of a fine leather accessory.

Blake Lively and Selena Gomez have been spotted with them, so naturally we couldn't wait to test them out. After a few weeks of using it, I can say one thing: it's like actually having pockets!

I no longer have to play the balancing game of clutching my phone and a coffee in one hand while I struggle to key open my door. It may not seem like much, but for a person who wears women's clothing, the convenience of a pocket is a small miracle.

"I use my Bandolier phone case and carrying strap literally every day. I've always used phone cases with wallets attached, so I was familiar with the convenience, but once I added the strap it was game over," says our executive editor Sally Kaplan.

"After more than two years of daily use, my Bandolier case is still in excellent shape," she continues. "I gave one to my mom as well last year and she uses it every day. She's notorious for losing her phone but she hasn't misplaced it or left it anywhere a single time since! We both get compliments on it all the time, and I'm quick to recommend them to friends and family. I'm sure there are cheaper dupes that exist on Amazon, but I think the quality of the leather is a big part of why these hold up so well."

This case is a godsend for walking my dog and being hands-free.

I got the Lena Patent Leather Crossbody in Burgundy, which comes with elegant gold chain details that make it slightly more formal than some other options. I picked this one because of how much I loved the color and I wanted to be able to pair it with a wider range of outfits. 

Sally has also carried two styles including the tan and gold Kimberly crossbody set that comes with a detachable pouch, and the black and gold pebbled leather crossbody.

The snap pocket fits about two to three cards.

The phone case comes in almost all of the available iPhone models, starting with the iPhone 6. If you have an Android, you can opt for the Holster, which fits almost all models. However, it's more of a small bag than a phone case since it isn't designed to fit devices that aren't iPhones. 

The bottom of the case has loops so that you can snap the strap on and off when you need it.

There are also other kinds of attachments, including wristlets and straps with zippered pockets that look like a modern, chic utility belt.

Bandolier also sells lots of little accessories that you can clip on your case. For example, you can add a chic hand sanitizer holder, a lipstick pouch with a small mirror, or an AirPods case that comes in nearly 40 colors. 

Sally has a set that comes with a simple pouch attachment. "It fits my sunglasses, lip balm, gum, and sunscreen) and the phone case itself has enough room for everything I'd carry in a wallet," she says.

The pouch is a great addition for travel.

I have a couple of these cases and straps, including the one above with a Gucci-esque design, and this pebbled leather one that has a slightly longer strap.  I literally never carry a purse with me anymore unless I'm going to a formal event, and I never lose my phone anymore!"

Cons to consider

You should be aware that Bandolier phone cases are slightly bulkier than normal phone cases, which might be a downside for people who want to keep the case on their phone all the time. The place where the straps connect makes the bottom part a little thicker than you might be used to. 

If you — like me — want to keep a normal, thinner case on your phone and then swap to the Bandolier case when needed, it can be a little tricky to pop in and out at first. The case is super sturdy, so it cradles your phone tightly, but after using it for a while and popping it in and out, it loosened enough that it was no longer tricky to put it on my phone.

Lastly, Bandolier cases are primarily made for iPhones. For Samsung users we recommend instead its crossbody bag collection, which have slip pockets compatible with most models.

The bottom line

If you or someone you're gift shopping is in need of more pocket space, then Bandolier is worth the try. It's super convenient for carrying your phone and wallet while being hands-free. There are also lots of helpful add-ons for making it a complete companion.

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