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Шесть флагманских площадок работают каждые выходные в рамках проекта «Зима в Москве» в СВАО

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Новости от TheMoneytizer

Tom Grennan risks painful mistake as he gets bold new leg tattoo amid Christmas No1 battle

HE has just had a tattoo to mark his battle for this year’s Christmas No1.

But Tom Grennan may regret it because I can reveal he is already in the painful process of having a large inking on his neck removed.

Tom Grennan just had a tattoo to mark his battle for this year’s Christmas No1
Tom may regret it because I can reveal he is already in the painful process of having a large inking on his neck removed
Tom’s fresh marking on his leg teases: ‘Christmas No.1 2024 is . . .’

The It Can’t Be Christmas singer got a backwards question mark on his Adam’s apple, but is now undergoing a lengthy procedure to undo the work.

A source said: “He didn’t like it any more.”

Given the agony Tom will be going through, you’d think he would now be a little more careful when it comes to new body art.

But last week he got a fresh marking on his leg which teases: “Christmas No.1 2024 is . . .”

He has promised to complete the unfinished line after Friday’s big chart reveal.

But at the moment the race to top of the festive chart is looking pretty tight.

Figures yesterday showed Tom’s Amazon-exclusive tune is at No2 with sales of 17,663 copies.

Wham! are on course to clinch the big prize for a second year in a row with Last Christmas, which has so far clocked up 23,834 sales.

I’d love to see Tom take the festive spoils.

But if not, I just worry he might then get “Wham!” tattooed on his leg this weekend.


KESHA celebrated the relaunch of her career by performing at Boston’s Jingle Ball on Sunday.

The Your Love Is My Drug singer wore ripped tights and a white dress for the performance, after the release of comeback tunes Joyride and Delusional.

Kesha wore ripped tights and a white dress for the performance, after the release of comeback tunes Joyride and Delusional[/caption]

She is now gearing up to release her new album in 2025 – 15 years after her debut – and will tour the UK, culminating in a headline set at London’s Mighty Hoopla festival.

She said of her songs: “It’s my best friend, it’s my lover – my higher power.”

THE Beetlejuice sequel came out this summer – and it looks like Rihanna is hoping she could be cast in a third film, if there ever is one.

She wore this striped outfit, just like the one worn by Michael Keaton’s crazy movie character Betelgeuse, for a trip out in Los Angeles at the weekend.

Rihanna wore this striped outfit for a trip out in Los Angeles at the weekend[/caption]
Her outfit was just like the one worn by Michael Keaton’s crazy movie character Betelgeuse[/caption]

But rather than being out to cause mischief like him, Rihanna’s only mission was to visit a pharmacy with her rapper partner A$AP Rocky and their two kids.

It’s been another year without a new album from Rihanna, and in January it will be nine years since her last one, Anti, came out.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed for a change of fortunes in 2025.


MY thoughts go out to Lily Allen, who has revealed she is battling an eating disorder.

Plenty of people have remarked on the singer’s figure in recent years, and in her latest Miss Me podcast, she opened up about her struggles with food.

Lily Allen has revealed she is battling an eating disorder[/caption]

Lily said: “I’ve been going through a tough time over the last few months.

“My eating has become a real issue.

“I’m not in a great place mentally at the moment and I’m not eating, but I’m not hungry.

“I obviously am hungry, but my body and my brain are so disconnected that the messages of hunger are not going from my body to my brain.

“I’m not avoiding food.

“I’m just not thinking about it as I’m so in my head.

“My body’s like, you know, a few steps behind me.”

Lily added that it had been going on for “about three years” – and I hope that her addressing it will mean she is now getting help.

NICOLE KIDMAN almost quit Hollywood in 2008 after ­having her first child.

She recalled: “When I gave birth, I was like, ‘Well, I think I’m pretty much done now’.

“We were living on a farm, and that’s when my mother said, ‘I wouldn’t give up ­completely.

“Keep a ­finger sort of in it.’ ”


CHRIS MARTIN is spreading the festive cheer, one small gift at a time.

The Coldplay frontman offered to buy one excited fan anything he wanted after they got chatting in a swanky food shop in LA.

Chris Martin is spreading the festive cheer, one small gift at a time[/caption]

Luckily for Chris, who was with actress fiancée Dakota Johnson, it didn’t set him back too much, as the man opted for just a bottle of orange juice.

The fan, who goes by the name Zuma Dogg, said he had told Chris he liked his recent video – for Coldplay track All My Love – with veteran Mary Poppins actor Dick Van Dyke.

“He offered to buy me something,” the fan added.

“He was so nice, he was with his girlfriend.

“I just wish everyone was as nice.”

Good on you, Chris.

I’ve heard some horror stories about run-ins with celebs, but Chris has never been one of the spoilsports.


KYLIE MINOGUE is confident her Tension tour will be the best ever, thanks to the fans as much as her hits.

The pop princess said: “I’ve done a number of festivals and one-off shows this past year and I feel you are lucky when you boil down a stock and get the goodness.

Kylie Minogue is confident her Tension tour will be the best ever, thanks to the fans as much as her hits[/caption]

“And I feel it’s all killer no filler.

“There are 37 years of songs to play with and heaps of new stuff.

“I am in a state right now but I know the set list won’t be there until we get well into rehearsals and see how it moves me musically.

“It’s gonna be a good time.”

The Spinning Around singer added that she is still stunned that hit album ­Tension’s singles including Padam Padam gained her a new audience globally.

She said: “There is a part of me that says, ‘You did this decades ago and you are still doing it’. But I am still here for it.

“There is so much positive energy and warm ­welcomes around.

“It’s an amazing time and I do not take that for granted.”

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Шесть флагманских площадок работают каждые выходные в рамках проекта «Зима в Москве» в СВАО

Диетолог Соломатина: алкогольные напитки лучше закусывать плотной и вязкой пищей, чтобы снизить нагрузку на организм

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