LAFAYETTE, La. (KLFY) -- An Opelousas man was arrested after stealing a school bus and causing a four-vehicle crash in Lafayette Sunday night, authorities said.
Marion Baker, 26, of Opelousas, is charged with various traffic violations, reckless operation of a vehicle, hit and run driving, theft of a motor vehicle and theft.
Lafayette Police responded around 6:40 p.m. Sunday to a serious vehicle crash on the 1900 block of W. Pinhook Road. The incident involved a stolen bus that had been taken earlier by a suspect being transported to a mental health facility, authorities said.
Previously, officers responded to a mental health facility on Youngsville Hwy. in reference to a patient who fled on foot. The subject, identified as Baker, was brought to the facility in a transport van and when met by staff outside fled the location.
Police said Baker located a Lafayette Parish School bus at an unknown location and drove the bus to W. Pinhook Road and Kaliste Saloom Road. He then allegedly drove into oncoming traffic, causing a multi-vehicle collision involving four vehicles. Several people sustained injuries as a result of the crash, authorities said.
After the crash, police said Baker fled the scene and stole a truck from a bystander who had stopped to assist. He then fled in the truck on Kaliste Saloom Road towards Ambassador Caffery Pkwy. and was later located in Rayne, officials said.
Baker is being held without bail in the Lafayette Parish Jail, records show.
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