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Дизайнер Мартынова рассказала о трендах и антитрендах украшения елки в 2025 году

Блогер Хкукан: в Китае дороже молоко и мясо, а фрукты дешевле, чем в России

В Москве произошел взрыв в жилом доме на Рязанском проспекте

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The top Christmas films that are definitely NOT for kids – from Bad Santa to Violent Night

THE top Christmas films that are definitely not for kids viewing from Bad Santa to Violent Night.

The holiday season is the best time to curl up with your family and enjoy films with a festive snack and tipple.

But sometimes you need a break from all the festive cheer so when the kids are safely tucked up in bed why not catch up on some festive gore and horror.

We’ve done the hard work and found the best ones on TV this year.

Bad Santa (2003)

Billy Bob Thornton plays a conman in Bad Santa

In this dark comedy, the bad tempered Willie T. Stokes (Billy Bob Thornton) and his partner (Tony Cox) reunite once a year for a holiday con.

Posing as a mall Santa and his elf, they rip off shopping outlets on Christmas Eve.

This year, however, Willie is depressed and alcoholic, and his erratic behaviour draws the suspicion of mall security (Bernie Mac).

But when befriending a small boy brings out his kinder side, Willie begins to wonder if there is still some hope for him.

Bad Santa is crude and not for those easily offended but there are some hilarious moments in the movie.

The film is available on Amazon Prime Video and Apple TV

Silent Night (2021)

Keira Knightley knows there is something not quite right in Silent Night[/caption]

Silent Night follows parents Nell (Keira Knightley) and Simon (Matthew Goode) who have invited their closest friends to join their family for Christmas dinner at their idyllic home in the English countryside.

As the group comes together, it feels like old times — but behind all of the laughter and merriment, something is not quite right.

The world outside is facing impending doom, and no amount of gifts, games or bubbly can make mankind’s imminent destruction go away.

Surviving the holidays just got a lot more complicated than working out who’s turn it is to carve the turkey!

The film is available on Amazon Prime Video and Apple TV

Krampus (2015)

Toni Collette in the horror film Krampus[/caption]

While the holiday season represents the most magical time of year, ancient European folklore warns of Krampus, a horned beast who punishes naughty children at Christmastime.

When dysfunctional family squabbling causes young Max (Emjay Anthony) to lose his festive spirit, it unleashes the wrath of the fearsome demon.

As Krampus lays siege to the Engel home, mum (Toni Collette), dad (Adam Scott), sister (Stefania LaVie Owen) and brother must band together to save one another from a monstrous fate.

Krampus blends horror and humour and lovers of alternative holiday viewing will love it.

The film is available on NOW TV, Sky Go, Amazon Prime Video, and Apple TV

Violent Night (2022)

When a group of mercenaries attack the estate of a wealthy family, Santa Claus must step in to save the day[/caption]

When a team of mercenaries breaks into a wealthy family compound on Christmas Eve, taking everyone inside hostage, the team isn’t prepared for a surprise combatant.

Stranger Things star David Harbour who plays the role of Santa Claus is on the grounds, and he’s about to show why this Nick is no saint.

Violent Night is a gory violent fest and not even the elves would mess with this version of Santa.

The film is available to watch on Netflix

Black Christmas (1974)

You will never feel safe again after watching Black Christmas[/caption]

As winter break begins, a group of sorority sisters, including Jess (Olivia Hussey) and the often drunk Barb (Margot Kidder), begin to receive anonymous, lascivious phone calls.

Initially, Barb eggs the caller on, but stops when he responds threateningly.

Soon, Barb’s friend Clare (Lynne Griffin) goes missing from the sorority house, and a local adolescent girl is murdered, leading the girls to suspect a serial killer is on the loose.

But no one realizes just how near the culprit is.

Black Christmas is a terrifying horror that will leave you with nightmares.

The film is available on Amazon Prime Video and Apple TV

Terrifier 3 (2024)

The ante is set higher for blood and gore in Terrifier 3[/caption]

After surviving Art the Clown’s Halloween massacre, Sienna and her brother are struggling to rebuild their shattered lives.

As the holiday season approaches, they try to embrace the Christmas spirit and leave the horrors of the past behind.

But just when they think they’re safe, Art the Clown returns, determined to turn their holiday cheer into a new nightmare.

The festive season quickly unravels as Art unleashes his twisted brand of terror, proving that no holiday is safe.

Expect lots of blood and guts in this one!

The film is available on Amazon Prime Video and Apple TV

Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)

Santa the serial killer is a new concept for Silent Night, Deadly Night[/caption]

Little Billy witnesses his parents getting killed by Santa after being warned by his senile grandpa that Santa punishes those who are naughty.

Billy spends the rest of his life in an orphanage, where he is abused by the mother superior.

When he becomes a teenager, he gets a job as a toy store Santa but when he sees two people having sex in the store it brings on flashbacks of his parents.

He then goes on a killing spree that eventually leads him back to the orphanage.

The release of this film was picketed by angry parents who were not happy to see Santa Claus depicted as an axe murderer but since then it’s become a cult classic.

The film is available on Shudder via Amazon Prime Video, Plex, Apple TV, the Sky Store

Lake Alice (2017)

Lake Alice sees a family hunted by a masked serial killer[/caption]

Meeting his girlfriend’s family for the first time, Ryan must prove his intentions with their daughter, Sarah, and win the approval of her father, Greg.

As the Christmas celebrations and traditions begin, things start to happen around the isolated cabin.

The family members are hunted down one by one and struggle to stay alive as their power in numbers slowly dwindles.

Their first Christmas together may be their last.

Lake Alice is more a thriller than a horror in the same vein as the classic film Scream.

The film is available on Amazon Prime Video

Merry Christmas viewing, we hope you don’t have nightmares!

For something gentler try our best Christmas films list here.

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