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Cartel-run clandestine fentanyl labs increasingly difficult to track

(NewsNation) — Mexican drug cartels are driving an opioid epidemic, flooding the United States with increasingly potent synthetic drugs that are claiming thousands of lives annually, according to federal authorities and recent investigations.

The Sinaloa and Jalisco New Generation cartels have transformed the illicit drug trade, focusing on synthetic opioids like fentanyl and its even deadlier cousin, carfentanil. These drugs are cheaper to produce and far more profitable than traditional heroin.

In 2022, synthetic opioids were responsible for nearly 70% of overdose deaths in the United States, claiming over 74,000 lives.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) reports that cartels have developed a sophisticated production network, leveraging chemical supplies from China to manufacture these drugs in clandestine laboratories hidden in Mexico's mountainous regions.

These cartels have expanded their operations to 47 countries, using advanced methods including social media platforms for sales and distribution, according to the DEA.

One trend is the recruitment of chemistry students to refine drug production. The New York Times revealed that cartels are luring students with high salaries or using threats to improve their drug manufacturing capabilities.

Carfentanil: CDC warns of new drug more deadly than fentanyl

A new and more dangerous threat has emerged in the form of carfentanil, a synthetic opioid 100 times more potent than fentanyl. Originally developed as a large animal tranquilizer, just a few grains can be fatal to humans.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported an increase in carfentanil-related deaths. The drug went from causing 29 deaths in early 2023 to 238 deaths by mid-2024 and has now been detected in 37 states.

Street dealers are increasingly mixing carfentanil into counterfeit pills, often marketing them under deceptive names like "Super Mario" to unsuspecting users.

Just 2 milligrams are needed to tranquilize an elephant; that same amount is powerful enough to kill 50 people, according to a Department of Veteran Affairs report.

Drug overdose deaths overall have been declining since 2023, according to the CDC. But they remain high in the United States, and the majority are connected to illegally manufactured fentanyls (IMFs).

Carfentanil-related deaths continued to rise this year, with a total of 238 people dying from the drug by June — a roughly 720 percent increase from the first half of 2023 to the first half of 2024.

Cartels exploiting border states

Cartels have sophisticated distribution networks, exploiting border states like Texas, Arizona and California. They use various smuggling routes, including air and sea cargo, border tunnels and extensive stash house networks.

Law enforcement faces significant challenges. Encrypted communication platforms and complex international money laundering schemes make tracking and stopping these operations increasingly difficult.

Health experts warn that the rapid spread of these synthetic opioids could overwhelm public health systems. First responders are struggling to combat the crisis, with naloxone becoming a critical tool in reversing overdoses.

New York City health officials caution that while naloxone can reverse opioid overdoses, multiple doses may be required, and individuals should exercise extreme caution with any unregulated substances.

India is emerging as a source for finished fentanyl powder and fentanyl precursor chemicals," the DEA said.

NewsNation partner The Hill contributed to this report.

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