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[DECODED] Duterte’s drug war haunts Dela Rosa and Bong Go’s Senate bids

In the 2019 elections, Bato Dela Rosa and Bong Go played the Duterte card, riding the wave of the former president’s immense popularity straight into the Senate. 

But as 2025 approaches, the deck is being reshuffled, and the once-winning hand may no longer guarantee a jackpot. The Duterte card — once the ace of spades for these political neophytes — now risks becoming a joker.

Recent data analysis from data forensics firm The Nerve shows the growing weight of this burden. From October 1 to November 30, 2024, stories about Rodrigo Duterte’s drug war dominated headlines.

The Nerve’s media narrative map, based on news articles mentioning 2025 senatorial candidates, showed how closely Dela Rosa and Go’s names are linked to the controversial legacy of their former boss.

Across social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, Dela Rosa and Go saw a surge in mentions, but their names were often paired with Duterte and the bloody drug war.

Back in 2019, the pair didn’t need powerful surnames or dynastic roots to secure Senate seats. Their association with Duterte was their golden ticket.

Dela Rosa, the Philippine National Police chief turned poster boy of the drug war, and Go, then a Special Assistant to the President, rode high on Duterte’s popularity.  Dela Rosa finished in 5th place, while Go snagged 3rd. 

But the political game now has changed. Duterte is no longer in power. And he’s now engaged in a bitter political feud with his erstwhile ally, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., who won a landslide in 2022.

Dela Rosa continues to clutch the Duterte card close to his chest. At a Senate hearing, he defended Duterte, objecting to drug war victims speaking first out of “respect” and “humanitarian reasons” for the former president, now 79.

However, Dela Rosa’s loyalty comes with its risks, especially after Duterte pointed out that Dela Rosa is among the alleged commanders of the death squad.

“‘Yong isang senador diyan, si Senator Dela Rosa, death squad din ‘yan because they were police directors handling, controlling crimes in the city. Kapag sinabi mong death squad, it’s a very loose term. Lahat ito, si Cuy, si Danao ‘ayan o nagdadasal. Kasalanan niya siguro. Ilan ba pinatay mo?” Duterte said.

(That senator over there, Senator Dela Rosa, is also part of a death squad because they were police directors handling [and] controlling crimes in the city. When you say “death squad,” it’s a very loose term. All of them, like Cuy [and] Danao, look there they are praying. It’s probably their fault. How many people have you killed?)

Dela Rosa’s involvement in the drug war has also placed him among the accused officials of the Duterte administration facing allegations of crimes against humanity before the International Criminal Court (ICC). He had also confirmed that his office has received communications from the ICC, but admitted that he is ignoring the international body.

Bong Go recalibrates

Meanwhile, Go is grappling with controversies of his own. During a Senate hearing on October 10, 2024, a matrix linked him to the nationwide drug war killings and alleged ties to Pharmally boss Allan Lim (aka Allan Lin), who is accused of drug-related activities.

In response to the backlash, Go appears to be recalibrating and trying to clear his name. An analysis by The Nerve shows that Go has received significant media coverage for his public initiatives, mostly financial assistance programs, compared to other incumbent senators seeking reelection.

Dela Rosa and Go are holding their ground — for now — according to Pulse Asia’s senatorial pre-election survey.

Go’s numbers are on an upward trajectory, with his voter preference rising from 36.6% (ranked 5th-8th) in June to 40.3% (ranked 4th-7th) in September.

Meanwhile, Dela Rosa is barely hanging on to the so-called magic 12. His voter preference dropped by 5.1% points, from 31.3% in June to 26.2% in September, causing his ranking to slip from 7th-12th to 11th-14th.

This survey, however, has yet to capture the potential fallout from ongoing Senate and House investigations into Duterte’s war on drugs.

As the 2025 elections near, will Dela Rosa and Go double down on their ties to the former president, or will they try to build new strategies independent of his shadow?  – Rappler.com

This story is part of Rappler and The Nerve’s ongoing series capturing social media trends and public sentiment surrounding the top senatorial candidates for the 2025 midterm elections. Read the previous stories here:

Decoded is a Rappler series that explores the challenges and opportunities that come with living in transformative times. It is produced by The Nerve, a data forensics company that enables changemakers to navigate real-world trends and issues through narrative and network investigations. Taking the best of human and machine, we enable partners to unlock powerful insights that shape informed decisions. Composed of a team of data scientists, strategists, award-winning storytellers, and designers, the company is on a mission to deliver data with real-world impact.

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