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Shoppers go wild at Aldi’s new ‘gorgeous’ perfume dupe – it lasts ‘all day’ & is £235 cheaper than Victoria Beckham buy

BEAUTY fans are going wild and are racing to get to their nearest Aldi store, eager to nab a ‘gorgeous’ new perfume dupe.

Not only does it smell ‘identical’ to a posh fragrance by Victoria Beckham, but according to shoppers, the scent lasts ‘all day’ too.

Beauty fans are praising a new beauty dupe from Aldi[/caption]
Shoppers have claimed that it ‘smells identical’ to an eye-wateringly expensive scent from Victoria Beckham Beauty[/caption]
So if you can’t afford to splash the cash on the Portofino scent, you’ll be thrilled to know that you’ll save a whopping £235 thanks to this Specialbuy[/caption]
Whilst the posh fragrance is £245 for 100ml, Aldi’s is just £9.99[/caption]

And if that wasn’t enough, it’s perfect for those on a budget – as it’s £235 cheaper than the high-end eau de parfum – yes, you heard that correctly. 

So if the thought of spending £245 on a bottle of Victoria Beckham Beauty Portofino eau de parfum sends shivers down your spine, then fear not, you’ll need to check out Aldi’s more affordable alternative.

Thanks to Aldi’s famous middle aisle, you’ll now be able to get your hands on the Lacura Classic Italia fragrance, for just £9.99.

The Specialbuy is available while stocks last and contains a blend of Calabrian Bergamot, Black Pepper, and invigorating Sea Notes. 

It has notes of Amber and Incense mingled with a sensual base of Musk, Vetiver, and Patchouli, creating an aura of undeniable charm.

Jojo Sha, a blonde-haired beauty from the UK, was thrilled when she got her hands on the purse-friendly perfume.

Overjoyed with her new scent, Jojo took to social media to alert others to the cheap beauty buy, leaving many open-mouthed.

Posting on Aldi UK Shoppers, a private Facebook group with 331,300 members, Jojo shared a snap of her new fragrance and beamed: “Honestly I have all the Aldi dupe perfumes but this is my fav!

“Meant to be a dupe of Victoria Beckham Portofino that sells for £170 for 50mls! 

“This was £9.99 for 100ml and it has lasted on me all day. 

“I even love the bottle! Back tomorrow for another!”

Jojo later wrote: “Honestly it did last all day! It’s a very unique smell. 

“Perfume is very individual and I don’t like floral or sweet but this is just gorgeous! Love it.”

What are the best Aldi beauty dupes?

ALDI has become well-known for its affordable beauty dupes that often rival high-end brands in terms of quality and effectiveness.

Here are some of the best Aldi beauty dupes that have garnered rave reviews:

Lacura Healthy Glow Exfoliating Tonic

Dupe for: Pixi Glow Tonic

Price: £3.99 (compared to Pixi’s £18)

Description: This exfoliating tonic contains glycolic acid and works to gently exfoliate and brighten the skin. It’s a fantastic, budget-friendly alternative to the popular Pixi Glow Tonic.

Lacura Q10 Renew Anti-Wrinkle Day Cream

Dupe for: Nivea Q10 Plus Anti-Wrinkle Day Cream

Price: £1.45 (compared to Nivea’s £10)

Lacura Caviar Illumination Day Cream

Dupe for: La Prairie Skin Caviar Luxe Cream

Price: £6.99 (compared to La Prairie’s £292)

Lacura Hot Cloth Cleanser

Dupe for: Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser

Price: £3.99 (compared to Liz Earle’s £17.50)

Lacura Snapshot Ready Foundation Primer

Dupe for: Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer

Price: £5.99 (compared to Smashbox’s £26)

Lacura Miracle Cream

Dupe for: Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream

Price: £3.99 (compared to Elizabeth Arden’s £28)

Lacura Ebony Rose Face Mask

Dupe for: Fresh Rose Face Mask

Price: £6.99 (compared to Fresh’s £52)

Lacura Charcoal Clearing Mudmask

Dupe for: GlamGlow Supermud Clearing Treatment

Price: £5.99 (compared to GlamGlow’s £42)

Lacura Velvet Touch Foundation

Dupe for: Estée Lauder Double Wear Foundation

Price: £5.99 (compared to Estée Lauder’s £34)

Lacura Tinted Lip Oils

Dupe for: Rare Beauty Soft Pinch Tinted Oil

Price: £3.99 (compared to Rare Beauty’s £20)

Beauty fans react

Jojo’s post has clearly impressed many, as other perfume lovers quickly flocked to the comments to share their rave reviews of the high-street product. 

I bought my daughter the original and wore my Aldi yesterday and it smells identical

Facebook user

One person said: “£9.99 for 100ml and an excellent dupe, smells exactly like the original Portofino 97, which sells for £170 for 50ml. Only difference is that it’s not quite as strong.”

Another added: “I bought my daughter the original and wore my Aldi yesterday and it smells identical.”

Whilst a third commented: “I love this one.”

Meanwhile, someone else posted: “I didn’t like it at first when I tried the tester, but after about an hour it smelled really nice. Popped it on my Christmas list.”

More Aldi middle aisle buys

IF it's middle aisle buys that you're looking here, some of the new items you won't want to miss.

Shoppers recently went wild for Aldi’s new ‘pregnancy and menopause essential’ – and it’s only £6.99.

Garden enthusiasts raced to nab a £6.99 buy that will add style to any garden in an instant.

A £12.99 garden find left shoppers open-mouthed – but you’ll need to sprint to nab it.

If you’re looking to light up your garden this summer, you won’t want to miss this £8.99 solar light.

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