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CDWP clears 15 projects worth Rs423bn


ISLAMABAD: The Central Devel­opment Working Party (CDWP) has cleared 15 development projects worth Rs423 billion, including foreign financing of Rs78bn (about $280 million).

The meeting, chaired by Planning Minister and Planning Commission’s Deputy Chairman Ahsan Iqbal, recommended nine projects worth Rs404.75bn to the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (Ecnec) for final approval, while approving six projects worth Rs17.95bn itself.

Under the current financial rules approved by the National Economic Council (NEC), the CDWP is empowered to approve projects costing up to Rs7.5bn while the projects of higher estimated costs are approved by Ecnec on the recommendations of the CDWP after clearance on technical grounds.

One of the key projects referred to Ecnec is the “Economic Transformation Initiative, Gilgit-Baltistan”, valued at Rs26.76bn.

Approves Rs17.95bn projects, sends Rs404.75bn proposals to Ecnec

Proposed to be financed through foreign funding, the programme aims to improve incomes and reduce poverty and malnutrition in rural Gilgit-Baltistan by developing 50,000 acres of irrigated land, constructing 400km of farm-to-market roads, and enhancing the value chain of apricots and potatoes. The programme covers the entire Gilgit-Baltistan region.

The “Sindh Coastal Resilience Project (SCRP)”, worth Rs45.79bn, was also referred to Ecnec. Financed through foreign funding, the project aims to build climate resilience, improve livelihoods and reduce poverty in Sindh’s coastal districts of Badin, Sujawal and Thatta by integrating smallholder farmers and fisherfolk into value chains.

A revised Rs70.97bn project for “Procurement/Manufacture of 820 High-Capacity Bogie Wagons and 230 Passenger Coaches” was also referred to Ecnec.

Financed through PSDP, the project seeks to address Pakistan Railways’ outdated rolling stock by procuring wagons and passenger coaches to enhance freight and passenger services, reduce the burden on the national budget and support the economy by offering fast, cost-effective and environmentally friendly transportation.

Another cleared project, “Rehabilitation of Multan-Vehari Road”, worth Rs12.887bn, involves the rehabilitation of 93.5km of Multan-Vehari Road to a 24 feet wide single carriageway, with partial dualisation, passing through key towns like Tibba Sultanpur and Makhdoom Rasheed. The Punjab government will finance the project.

The CDWP also referred the much controversial “Construction of Rawalpindi Ring Road” worth Rs32.997bn to Ecnec. The project includes constructing a 38.3km main carriageway from Banth (N-5) to Thalian (M-2), with interchanges, bridges, flyovers, subways, fencing, toll plazas and weigh stations. It will also be financed by the Punjab government.

Moreover, the “Construction of Khawazakhela-Besham Expressway” project worth Rs137.7bn would be financed by the federal government and involves a 48km expressway to improve regional connectivity and infrastructure.

The “Extension of KLM Start Point to Saggian Road and Main Ravi Bridge” worth Rs12.1bn was also referred to Ecnec. This will also be financed by the Centre.

Another cleared project, “Construction of Mangi Dam and Water Conveyance System”, worth Rs18.995bn, will be financed on a 50:50 basis by the federal and Balochistan governments and involves building a 61 metres high dam with a reservoir capacity of 36.43 million cubic metres.

It will help water supply to Quetta via a 40km pumping main and 20km gravity main, with treatment at a plant before being distributed through an additional 10km pipeline. The dam is located 60km east of Quetta on the Khost River.

Another project, “Sindh Early Learning Enhancement through Classroom Transformation”, worth Rs46.57bn, will be financed by the Sindh government.

Meanwhile, the CDWP itself approved six smaller development projects, including “Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Mobilisation and Public Resource Management Programme (Technical Assistance)” worth Rs4.714bn through foreign funding.

It also approved the setting up of a project coordination unit to build and develop “Jinnah Medical Complex and Research Centre” at an estimated cost of Rs3.11bn. The overall project, a multi-storey tower with over 1,000 beds to be located in the H-16 sector in the capital, would be worth over Rs150bn. Its second phase provides specialised healthcare at national and international levels.

The CDWP also approved a Rs7.499bn worth of “Social Sector Accelerator (SSA) for Health, Nutrition, Education, Youth and Gender (HNEYG)” internship programme, under which the Planning Commission is providing 30,000 paid internships to fresh graduates for six months. Interns will receive stipends of Rs25,000 to 40,000 per month.

The meeting also approved Rs465m for “Consultancy Services for Design and Construction Supervision of New Air Traffic Control Tower and Fire Station Karachi” and Rs832m “Hiring of Consultant for all-weather flight operations at Skardu, Gilgit and Chitral airports”. Both projects are proposed to be financed through the Civil Aviation Authority through its own resources.

The meeting also approved a Rs1.335bn information and telecommunication project for the Ministry of Planning and Development.

Published in Dawn, December 16th, 2024

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