“1923” premiered a new teaser trailer for its second season during the finale of “Yellowstone” on Sunday night. The western is a prequel to “Yellowstone” and stars Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren as the heads of the Dutton family. (Watch above.) Another “Yellowstone” prequel series set even further back in time, “1883,” premiered in 2021.
Paramount+’s lays out the plot for the new season of “1923” as follows: “A cruel winter brings new challenges and unfinished business to Jacob (Ford) and Cara (Mirren) back at Dutton ranch. With harsh conditions and adversaries threatening to end the Dutton legacy, Spencer (Brandon Sklenar) embarks on an arduous journey home, racing against time to save his family in Montana. Meanwhile, Alexandra (Julia Schlaepfer) sets off on her own harrowing trans-Atlantic journey to find Spencer and reclaim their love.”
The first season of “1923” didn’t earn any Emmy nominations, but it was a contender at the last Golden Globes, where it was nominated for Best Drama Series and Best TV Drama Actress for Mirren. The series also picked up a Costume Designers Guild bid for its costume illustration. “1883” was a little more successful, earning three Creative Arts nominations and winning a Screen Actors Guild Award for Sam Elliott‘s performance. As for the series that started it all, “Yellowstone” picked up a 2021 Emmy bid for its production design and won a Golden Globe for Kevin Costner‘s role as family patriarch John Dutton. The show has one more chance at Emmy glory in 2025.
“1923” was created by “Yellowstone” mastermind Taylor Sheridan, who earned an Oscar nomination for penning the script for “Hell or High Water” (2016). In addition to the Dutton saga, Sheridan has created a number of other shows for Paramount, including “Mayor of Kingstown,” “Tulsa King,” “Lioness,” and, most recently, “Landman,” which just earned a Golden Globe nom for lead actor Billy Bob Thornton.
The new season of “1923” premieres on Feb. 23 on Paramount+.