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Brits racing to Primark for ‘the most adorable’ Jellycat wreath dupe that’ll save you over £60 on the real deal 

PRIMARK is known for selling bargain Christmas items, from party outfits to decorations.

Now shoppers are racing to snap up a festive Jellycat dupe which is £60 cheaper than the real thing.

Primark is selling a Jellycat dupe wreath for £7
Maison White
This is £60 less than the Jellycat wreath, which is £69.95[/caption]

One bargain hunter showed how they had spotted the retailer selling a cute plush wreath for the festive season.

Featuring an adorable smiley face and tiny legs, the squishy green wreath is decorated with a red bow and candy canes.

The sweet item costs just £7, which is a complete steal compared to the Jellycat version.

The pricey alternative is selling for £69.95 on Maison White, and features a similar shape and design.

Shopper Lottie, who posts under @oomarose, wrote: “Primark has dropped the most adorable Christmas jelly cat dupe.

“You can hang him on your door too.”

Many people seemed desperate to snap up the dupe, with her video racking up over 25,000 likes.

One person wrote: “i need this in my life.”

Another added: “Running to Primark.”

A third commented: “In love.” 

The Jellycat version is described as being able to “add a touch of festive cheer to your front door.”

The description reads: “Snuggly soft in textured green fur, this smiley wreath is already decorated with velvety bows and baubles, with a hanging loop and gold velvet booties.”

Jellycat toys have soared in popularity in recent years and have racked up over a billion views on TikTok.

Jellycat plushies are often produced in limited quantities, meaning they go up in value due to their rarity.

The company ‘retires’ many of their products every year, making them highly sought after – second hand, they can go for prices far higher than their original cost.

Brits racing to Primark for ‘the most adorable’ Jellycat wreath dupe that’ll save you over £60 on the real deal, , https://www.tiktok.com/@oomarose/video/7436109529680563488?_r=1&_t=8sEsYkC0El7,[/caption]

According to experts, it’s worth investing in the Christmas Jellycat collection, currently on sale and including gingerbread people and Christmas puddings.

Peter Jenkinson, a toys and games expert who goes by the pro name of the ‘toyologist’, said: “Any seasonal Jellycat is worth taking into your collection, be that an Xmas tree, peanut reindeer or a snowball. Also collectables from other occasions, such as a Valentine’s heart.

“Jellycats are definitely the modern day Steiff bears – which, as we know, can command thousands.”

If you don’t have the cash for a Jellycat version, the Primark dupe looks like the next best thing.

Why Primark is great for looking expensive on a budget

By Clemmie Feildsend, Fabulous Fashion Editor

AS someone who’s no stranger to grabbing a last-minute outfit from Primark for a night out, it’s about time that celebrities started catching on too.

For as long as I’ve been heading out, Primark has been my go-to for those “I have nothing to wear” moments, rushing in at the last minute to find something perfect.

And I’m definitely not alone – on any Friday or Saturday night, you’ll find plenty of shoppers doing the same thing, right before closing time.

But no matter what, Primark always delivers.

Now, Rita Ora is leading the charge, showing that you can snag a designer-worthy look without spending a fortune at high-end stores.

While Rita’s not rushing in last minute for a red carpet outfit, she’s proving you can achieve the same high-impact style for much less.

Looking stunning in her tailored suit alongside her mum Vera, Rita fit right in among the other A-listers dripping in Prada, Dior, and Victoria Beckham – if anything, she looked even better than some of the guests at The Fashion Awards.

With Myleene Klass and Roxy Horner already jumping on the Primark bandwagon, I’m sure more stars will be following suit soon enough.

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