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Gen Z spend almost a THIRD more on their pets as incredible monthly figure revealed – for doggy daycare, toys & treats

GEN Z spend almost a third more on their pets than any other age group – as monthly figures reveal how much they fork out for doggy day care, toys and treats.

Pet owners between 18-24 spend £145 a month on their animals, a whopping 30 per cent more than the national average.

Pet owners between 18-24 spend £145 a month on their animals[/caption]
Pet owners on average fork out £150 a month to care for their four-legged friends[/caption]

Over 65s on the other hand were found to shell out less than half this amount, with an average spend of £70 a month.

Meanwhile, the cost of having a pet will set owners back an average of £1,344 a year, according to research by Go Compare pet insurance.

The comparison site asked more than 1,200 UK pet owners how much they spend on their pups and discovered people spend roughly £112 a month.

Expenses go towards basic items like food or vet visits, but are also shelled out for treats and even doggy day care.

The research also revealed how spending varied across the UK, with the capital seeing people splurge the most on their furry friends.

Pet owners living in London on average fork out £150 a month to care for their four-legged friends.

This was closely followed by Scotland where owners commit £121 a month on their animals and the East Midlands at £117.

And in the South West, the average spend on pets was just £90 a month – a massive £22 less than the national average.

Rhys Jones, pet insurance expert at the company, warned that the cost of having a pet can rack up and advised anyone thinking about buying an animal to remember the financial implications involved with caring for it.

He said: “It can be really exciting to welcome a new pet into the family, but it’s easy to forget about the financial impact.

“However, whether it’s cushy beds, food, or pet insurance, the costs of pet ownership can soon add up.”

“When it comes to buying a new pet, our data shows that people pay £747 on average for a dog or puppy, and £196 for a cat or kitten.

“However, we would always urge people to remember that pets are a long-term commitment both emotionally and financially.”

Research conducted by the company suggests that people are spending more than £100 every month on average to keep their pets well fed and taken care of.

Rhys added: “Anyone considering pet ownership should consider those unexpected bills, too – such as emergency veterinary treatment.

“One important protection we think every pet owner should have in place is a great insurance policy, as this will make sure your pets receive the care they need without denting your bank balance.

“Make sure to compare policies online and consider the level of cover carefully – including whether you want it to include things like dental care. 

“Though accidents and illnesses are never something we want to think about, they do happen – and making sure you’re protected means you can focus on treats, toys and all the things your pet adores.”

This comes as Channel 5 announced it was bringing back one of its most loved reality shows, Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly, with a brand new seventh series set to air in the new year.

Fans can once again look forward to master dog trainer Graeme Hall crisscrossing the country to help frustrated owners tackle their unruly canines.

The show offers practical training techniques with Graeme’s signature mantra: any dog, any size, any problem.

But as the series has shown time and again, it’s often the owners who need training the most!

In the opening episode of the new series, Graeme takes on three particularly challenging cases.

Stephanie’s Dalmatian, Horace, is full of boundless energy but is also profoundly deaf, creating unique hardships for Graeme.

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