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15 holiday gifts for dementia patients and caregivers: 'Cognitively appropriate'

The top gifts this holiday season might not be the best fit for everyone, especially those who have Alzheimer’s disease.

There are seven million Americans living with the disease, according to the Alzheimer’s Association – and some gifts might not be appropriate depending on a person's stage of dementia.

"Family members and friends may have to rethink their gift-giving strategies when shopping for someone living with dementia," Elizabeth Edgerly, Ph.D., senior director of Community Programs and Services at the Alzheimer’s Association in Chicago, said in a press release statement. 

"Gifts that may have made you a holiday hero in the past may no longer be a good fit," she went on.

"You want to start by considering where the person is cognitively, so you can choose a gift they are able to use and enjoy."


The Alzheimer’s Association released the following list of gifts that are suitable for people at every stage of the disease.

1. Dry-erase calendars and white boards with colorful markers are a bright way to jot things down.

2. Label makers can help someone with memory issues to stay organized and keep track of household items.

3. Gift cards for ride-share services or favorite activities can keep your loved one engaged.


4. GPS trackers, in the form of watches, bracelets or key rings, can offer an individual their independence while keeping them safe.

5. "Memory" calendars can be filled with family photos and pre-marked with important dates.

6. Music playlists can be compiled with your loved one’s favorite artists and songs.

7. Comfy, loose-fitting clothing, like sweat suits, slip-on shirts, night gowns, bathrobes and lace-free shoes, are easy to throw on, remove and wash.

8. Framed photos or collages with the names of people present will help with identification.


9. Soothing gifts like a soft blanket or handheld massage ball can help relieve stress and anxiety.

10. "Adaptive" dining accessories — like no-spill cups, plate guards and silverware with handles — encourage independence at the dinner table.

11. A memory phone can store photos with names and contact information.

12. Puzzles and activity books stimulate the brain and promote cognitive sharpness.

13. Card games and board games encourage engagement with others while also keeping the mind sharp.

14. An outing to a movie, concert, sporting event or museum can keep the recipient involved and entertained.

15. DIY crafts, like scrap-booking or ornament painting, promote at-home engagement.

When shopping for someone living with dementia, Edgerly recommends considering two things about the recipient: What does this person like and what can this person do?

"Lifelong passions, including hobbies and favorite activities, don’t necessarily dissipate with a dementia diagnosis," she told Fox News Digital. "However, it is important to adapt your gift to where the person is in the disease."

"For example, someone who was an avid golfer may not be able to play anymore, but a picture book featuring golf courses or players may be a perfect fit."

For more Health articles, visit www.foxnews.com/health

Edgerly suggested thinking about "what brings them joy," such as photos of family members or past pets that can be made into a custom gift.

"Create a mug, ornament or special notebook with those photos on the cover," she recommended. "Do they have a favorite song list? Create a playlist for devices like Amazon [Alexa] or Google Home. Pick a gift that caters to these interests, but in a way that is cognitively appropriate."

Gifts that help support the person living with dementia in a fun way are good options, the expert noted, as well as items that bring comfort.

"The best gift I bought for my mom after she developed dementia was a giant box of individually wrapped whoopie pies (a dessert cake)," Edgerly shared. 

"She was able to hand them out to all her friends and the staff at the assisted living facility. I made sure she had plenty to give out. She had the biggest smile on her face handing those out to everyone."

But one of the best gifts you can give to someone with dementia, according to Edgerly, is the gift of your time.

"Make plans to spend time with the person doing the things they like," she advised. "It can be playing a game, looking at old pictures, watching a favorite movie or going out to eat."

"The adage that the best things in life are free is true. Spending time and engaging the person in meaningful ways can be the best gift of all."

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