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DC Food Workers Vow to Commit Economic Suicide by Making the Restaurant Experiences of Incoming Trump Officials Miserable

Credit: Donald Trump Jr./X

Several DC food workers wallowing in Kamala Harris’s landslide defeat promise to make Trump administration officials pay should they decide to visit their establishments, even at the cost of their livelihoods.

The Washingtonian on Thursday spoke to industry veterans, bartenders, and servers in our nation’s capital who have made crystal clear that they are willing to sacrifice dollars in an attempt to ‘own’ those trying to make America great again.

Nancy, a bartender for a fine dining establishment, said she would not only refuse to welcome certain Trump officials but also make those she decides to serve miserable.

“There is power in making it known that you’re not comfortable with a situation, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be this big dramatic show,” she stated. “It’s just little bits of resistance that add up, and little bits of resistance that other people will see and hopefully feel empowered to stand on those convictions as well.”

“This person theoretically has the power to take away your rights, but I have the power to make you wait 20 minutes to get your entree,” she added. “There’s a lot of opportunities for us as workers to feel like we’re taking our power back, while not necessarily ruining someone’s life. Giving them a subtle inconvenience feels like a little bit of a win for us.”

Suzannah Van Rooy, a server and manager at Beuchert’s Saloon on Capitol Hill, also said she would refuse service to Trump officials whom she viewed as ‘amoral.’

“I personally would refuse to serve any person in office who I know of as being a sex trafficker or trying to deport millions of people,” she said.

“It’s not, ‘Oh, we hate Republicans.’ It’s that this person has moral convictions that are strongly opposed to mine, and I don’t feel comfortable serving them,” Van Rooy continued.

One other restaurant worker who asked to remain anonymous stated she would not refuse service but do other things to make her Republican patrons feel unwelcome, such as an unfavorable seating arrangement.

“I’ll only give them a bad table but will otherwise guarantee decent and polite service,” she told the Washingtonian. “I feel like them getting a bad table is nothing compared to the harm they’ll be inflicting.”

Zac Hoffman, a manager at the National Democratic Club, said that woke employees and patrons could even resort to violence if they witnessed ‘the wrong person’ daring to dine with them.

“The shift in politics will be visceral across several aspects of daily life. You expect the masses to just ignore RFK eating at Le Diplomate on a Sunday morning after a few mimosas and not to throw a drink in his face?” he told the Washingtonian.

But some liberal restaurant employees understand such childish behavior will backfire, especially considering how generous Republican guests are compared to Democrats.

“I think my tip average from Republicans—at least ones that I or a coworker has recognized—is close to 30 percent. With Dems, I’m surprised if it’s over 20,” he explained to the Washingtonian.

This means all of these employees and owners who refuse to serve Trumpers will be potentially costing themselves more than if they refused fellow liberals. How ironic.

As The Gateway Pundit has previously reported, multiple Republicans went through h*ll while trying to dine in peace during Trump’s first term.

Then-Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was kicked out of a DC-area restaurant by a Trump-hating owner in June 2018. That same month, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was not only heckled chase out of a Mexican Washington D.C. restaurant but was subsequently terrorized at her home by leftist agitators.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) was also harassed and chased out of a DC restaurant in September 2018 by far-left protesters livid over the Kavanaugh hearings.

Should this pattern continue, one should not feel bad if these restaurants all went broke.

The post DC Food Workers Vow to Commit Economic Suicide by Making the Restaurant Experiences of Incoming Trump Officials Miserable appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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