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DeWine sounds off on taxes, death penalty, flag planting

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- Gov. Mike DeWine spent about one hour answering questions during breakfast with the Ohio Legislative Press Corps on Thursday morning.    

Property and income taxes 

Ohio lawmakers have been stalled several property tax relief bills, despite saying it is the number one issue they hear about from their constituents. Not only have several bills been introduced, but a property tax study committee at the statehouse was supposed to come out with a report months ago, but that’s hasn’t happened yet. 

 “We need some help,” DeWine said.    

DeWine said he has heard several stories about people on fixed income who are getting taxed out of their homes that they have lived in for years, for example. He said he is not putting a tight timeline on taking action. 

“We have to have relief for them,” DeWine said. “This is a very important thing. Some legislation has been introduced. If the legislature does not do this in a lame duck, we will be back and ask them to do that in the new session.”    

DeWine said he is “not really sure” what specific policy he thinks lawmakers should pursue.    

“I don't want to prescribe one way of doing it,” he said. “I think we all know what the problem is, and we need to find an answer to it.”  

Lawmakers have also floated the idea of eliminating the state income tax. DeWine said he is still weighing further income tax cuts than were made in the last budget.    

“We’ve already put, in every budget, every cycle, billions of dollars back in taxpayers’ hands, and that’s been going on for a number of legislative sessions,” DeWine said. “We are in a different period; we are now post COVID and what was different about the COVID period is there was a massive amount of money that came in from the federal government and into the state. That no longer is coming in.”    

While income taxes were cut in the last budget, DeWine said it is “not feasible” to eliminate the tax entirely. 

“I think the important thing is that for many years we were not competitive with other states,” he said. “Today we were very competitive in other states. As we get businesses who come here, the tax issue is not in discussion, usually, hardly ever. You have other discussions: can we find the right people to work? Location, water, etc.” 

U.S. Senate appointment   

DeWine is tasked with appointing someone to take Vice President-elect Sen. JD Vance’s seat.  

Before DeWine announces the appointment, Vance has to resign from his position in the U.S. Senate. The U.S. Senate convenes at the start of January, but Vance does not get sworn in as vice president until Jan. 20.  

Vance nor DeWine have indicated when the VP-elect will resign, but Senator-elect Bernie Moreno (R-Ohio) said he expects to serve his first few weeks alongside Vance.  

“I get sworn in Jan. 3, I become the junior Senator,” Moreno said. “JD becomes a senior Senator. JD will serve for a period of time. Our plan is that, during that period of time, between the 3rd and 20th, while Joe Biden is still president, is to get as many of these nominees through the committee process as possible.” 

DeWine is staying tight-lipped about who he wants to see take Vance’s post.  

“Who I appoint has to be able to, in less than two years, win a primary and then win a general election and then come back two years later and win a primary and general election,” DeWine said. “So, it has to be someone who I believe can win a primary, will win a primary, and then will win a general election.”  

DeWine said he has talked to both President-elect Donald Trump and Vance about the decision. DeWine did decline to comment about whether Lt. Gov. Jon Husted is being considered for the position.  

Death penalty 

There are competing bills at the Ohio Statehouse that have to do with capital punishment. One effort abolishes the death penalty while the other makes using nitrogen hypoxia a legal means of execution. 

DeWine has made his stance on this issue clear, as there has not been a single execution during his time as governor, and he said that will remain the same for the next two years. 

DeWine said he will have “more to come in the next few months” on that topic.  

Flag planting at Ohio Stadium     

A state representative wants to make it a felony to plant a flag at Ohio Stadium.  

House leadership said that effort will not move before the end of the year. As for DeWine, he had a very brief but definitive opinion on the proposed bill. 

“Who the hell is going to enforce that,” DeWine said.   

Husted added his two cents about the proposed bill too, also a short but clear opinion. 

“There’s a good way to stop [flag planting],” Husted said. “Just win.” 

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