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Почтовые отделения в Московском регионе изменят график работы в связи с 8 Марта

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All Brit drivers warned of huge change to Google Maps that helps them avoid £100 fine

MOTORISTS will have an extra aid on Google Maps to make sure they’re not accidentally breaking the speed limit – and reduce the risk of landing a £100 fine.

The accuracy of speed limits and other signs that appear on the app is all something drivers need to be careful of.

Speed limit warnings should be more accurate as a result[/caption]

It’s a huge task keeping such data up-to-date for every road and every country.

But Google has come up with a genius way to ensure speed limits displayed on Google Maps are more accurate than ever in the UK.

It’s all thanks to third-party companies sharing dashboard cam footage.

And who better than delivery vehicles which are constantly on the road.

Google has partnered with DPD and dash cam maker Nextbase, allowing drivers to opt-in if they want to share their footage for improved accuracy.

AI can then analyse the footage looking out for any traffic signs it sees and update the warnings that appear on Google Maps app.

“Google works with trusted third-party companies which gather imagery in the form of short videos from commercial and consumer dash cam manufacturers,” Google’s website says.

“To keep our maps fresh and up to date, Google uses imagery to detect and verify real-world changes, such as speed limit updates and new traffic signs.

“Google does not publish this imagery.”

Google will only request footage for areas where it believes an update to the map is required.

In these cases, the firm will reach out to a partner for a short clip of a specific stretch of road that includes a speed limit sign.

Any footage shared is deleted after it’s been used to extract the new road information Google seeks.

While apps like Google Maps and Waze are a helpful tool it’s always best not to rely on them entirely and check for physical signs you see them on the road.

What are the UK speed limits?

These are the speed limits for every type of road vehicle in the UK.

  • Built-up areas

The speed limit for all types of vehicles in built-up areas is 30mph.

Be it a car, a motorcycle, a bus or a heavy vehicle, across the UK, you can only drive at 30mph in such roads.

  • Single carriageways

The speed limits in single carriageways vary between vehicles.

In such a road, the speed limits for:

  • A car, a motorcycle, a car-derived van or a dual-purpose vehicle is 60mph.
  • A car, a motorcycle, a car-derived can or a dual-purpose vehicle when towing a caravan or a trailer is 50mph.
  • A motorhome or motor caravan that is not more than 3.05 tonnes is 60mph.
  • A motorhome or motor caravan that is more than 3.05 tonnes is 50mph.
  • All buses, coaches and minibuses, be it if they are under 12 metres long or over, is 50mph.
  • Goods vehicles that do not carry more than 7.5 tonnes, is 50mph.
  • Good vehicles that carry more than 7.5 tonnes in England and Wales, is 50mph.
  • Goods vehicles that carry more than 7.5 tonnes in Scotland, is 40mph.
  • Dual carriageways

The speed limits in dual carriageways vary too, depending on the type of vehicle.

The speed limit for:

  • A car, a motorcycle, a car-derived can or a dual-purpose vehicle is 70mph.
  • A car, a motorcycle, a car-derived van or a dual-purpose vehicle towing a caravan or a trailer is 60mph.
  • A motorhome or a motor caravan carrying less than 3.05 tonnes is 70mph.
  • A motorhome or a motor caravan carrying more than 3.05 tonnes is 60mph.
  • Buses, coaches and minibuses is always 60mph, no matter whether they are longer than 12 metres or not.
  • A goods vehicle carrying less than 7.5 tonnes is 60mph.
  • A goods vehicle carrying more than 7.5 tonnes in England and Wales is 60mph.
  • A goods vehicle carrying more than 7.5 tonnes in Scotland is 50mph.
  • Motorways

On a motorway, the speed limits depends on what vehicle you are driving too.

The speed limit for:

  • A car, a motorcycle, a car-derived van or a dual-purpose vehicle is 70mph.
  • A car, a motorcycle, a car-derived van or a dual-purpose vehicle towing a caravan or a trailer is 60mph.
  • A motorhome or a motor caravan carrying less or more than 3.05 tonnes is 70mph.
  • A bus, a coach or a minibus that is shorter than 12 metres is 70mph.
  • A bus, a coach or a minibus longer than 12 metres is 60mph.
  • A goods vehicle carrying less than 7.5 tonnes is 70mph, but if it is towing a trailer, then it must be driven at 60mph.
  • A good vehicle carrying more than 7.5 tonnes in England, Wales or Scotland is 60mph.

It’s good to note some following changes that may be applied to how your vehicle is classified while driving:

  • If your van is loaded with less than two tonnes, then it is considered as a car-derived van or dual-purpose vehicle.
  • If your motorhome or motor caravan is either carrying goods for exhibition or used as a workshop or to keep storage, then they are classified as a goods vehicle.

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