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For models of efficiency, Musk and DOGE should ignore DC and look to the states

As a sitting governor (at least for another month) and a fellow engineer, I can assure Elon Musk and his team that the mission of the Department of Government Efficiency or DOGE is achievable.

But Musk must first recognize that Washington is a graveyard of failed attempts to streamline government. Don't look for solutions there. Instead, look to the states.

Although it has received widespread criticism from those with little executive experience in government, DOGE's goals are entirely attainable. This election has created a rare opportunity to leverage public support and political momentum to restore fiscal discipline in America.

All Americans, whether they supported President-elect Donald Trump or not, know that government has grown too large and spending too unchecked, and that all taxpayers are paying the price. The challenge is not in identifying the problem — that’s the easy part — but in enacting the tough changes where both parties have repeatedly ignored fiscal responsibility.

Isaac Newton’s First Law applies to Washington: “An object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by an external force.” Our Constitution reminds us that that force in government is federalism — a principle that has driven America's success for more than 200 years. The Founding Fathers were wise to place power with the states, where policies can be executed efficiently. And states across the map (yes, even California) have managed their citizens’ tax dollars better than the federal government has.

States with balanced budget amendments, especially Republican-led ones, have already streamlined government, managed debt and fostered public-private partnerships. Even blue states, while fiscally flawed, are guided down a more fiscally prudent path by built-in constitutional requirements or legislative controls. Mandated discipline does work!

My state of New Hampshire exemplifies this. Our “Live Free or Die” motto isn’t just a slogan — it’s how we govern. We value low taxes, limited government and local control. New Hampshire consistently ranks as a top performer in both fiscal and personal freedoms, providing the best return on taxpayer investment.

Today, more than two dozen Republican governors already manage their states with balanced budgets and have implemented many of the efficiencies being discussed for Washington. Their success stories are a proven blueprint for achieving what skeptics say is impossible.

In 2019, Idaho Gov. Brad Little (R) simplified 95 percent of all state rules with his Red Tape Reduction Act. In 2023, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) cut her own cabinet from 37 to 16 agencies to remove bloated bureaucracies and increase efficiency in government. And in 2022, Virginia Governor Glenn Younkin (R) released his "Uniform Regulatory Plan" inviting the public into the process and creating transparency where closed doors once existed. The list of state-level success goes on and should be a model to follow in terms of not just what to do, but how to pass it and codify it for America’s future.

Trump's first term was marked by the overspending and poor debt management of a Congress left without disciplined guidance. If in 2024 Republicans don't act on their promises from this past election, they risk repeating the failures of 2018 and 2020. Elon’s leadership could be the catalyst needed to push them to confront America's biggest fiscal challenges.

The conversation must start with honesty: A financial crisis is inevitable within the next decade. Under the laws in effect today, Social Security benefits will be cut to 83 percent of current levels. Medicare will go bankrupt and national debt interest payments will reach $1.8 trillion. This isn’t speculation — it is a combination of simple math and the laws already in effect.

For the long term, it is also time to reconsider the need for a Balanced Budget Amendment. A Balanced Budget Amendment isn’t just a good idea — it’s essential for national survival. It’s a compact with the American people, signaling that Washington will finally operate under the same fiscal constraints as every household.

Anyone who claims this can’t be done simply doesn’t want it to be done. Many of these naysayers occupy Congress, some even claiming to be fiscal conservatives. The federal government has not had an appetite for these solutions in decades. But like any good policy, once they see the benefits, they’ll come back for more.

For 20 years, Washington politicians have lived under the misguided perception that making tough decisions means a tougher election. The results of 2024 prove the opposite is true. Avoiding tough decisions will earn legislators a loss in their next election. They would be wise to instead seize this opportunity and help preserve the American dream for future families. 

There are hundreds of billions in savings to be found by reversing just a handful of President Biden’s executive orders and trimming the bloated government workforce. But that’s just the beginning. If Musk taps into his newfound political capital, he has the power to ensure these changes are long-lasting, not just political victories with no real reform.

The American people made it clear in this election that they want disruption in Washington. Musk’s leadership of DOGE, as an outsider and innovator, gives us hope that success is possible. The future of our country’s finances depends on this moment, and we can still meet the needs of the American people by devolving power and financial control back to the states.

And by the way, eliminating daylight saving time? Big win!

Chris Sununu (R) is New Hampshire's 82nd governor.

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