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Вопросы развития Арктики. Опубликована архитектура программы МАФ-2025

Песков: к 9 Мая в каждом регионе РФ будет введен режим обеспечения безопасности

«Зорро» спешит в Москву

На Ставрополье у экоактивиста и юристки прошли обыски

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Holiday Gift Guide: Handcrafted items from North Carolina support hurricane recovery

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The town of Asheville, known for its artists and restaurants, is a tourist destination and the economic hub of North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountain communities. In September, it was devastated by flooding from Hurricane Helene.

Even businesses not physically damaged suffered weeks without power and water, and Asheville was essentially closed to tourists during its busiest season.

Now, besides hoping that visitors will return for the holidays, Asheville’s artists and small businesses are pitching their handcrafted goods as gifts online to speed recovery.

The heavily damaged River Arts District lets artists sell directly through its website. And the tourism authority Explore Asheville has set up a site called “Love Asheville from Afar.”

“There’s definitely been some confusion about whether people should travel to Asheville,” says Katie Button, chef at the Spanish tapas restaurants Curate Bar de Tapas and La Bodega by Curate. “Absolutely! We are open, and downtown — the rest of the businesses and things — are really needing people to come travel here.” La Bodega remains closed because there are not enough visitors to keep both open.

Here’s a small sampling of giftable online offerings that will help the city’s small businesses and artists, while also filling your stockings:

For the foodie

Button’s dream of opening an authentic Spanish tapas restaurant in the United States culminated in the James Beard award-winning Curate Bar de Tapas. That was followed by a cafe, wine bar and retail space, La Bodega by Curate. You can support both the restaurant and local artist Lori Theriault by purchasing one of Curate’s signature handmade ceramic pigs. They come as Christmas ornaments ($38) or toothpick holders ($29).

Dan Rattigan and Jael Skeffington started French Broad Chocolate in their home kitchen, selling their confections at local farmers markets. The business has grown to include a downtown retail space and a large factory and tasting room by the French Broad River. The factory space is currently closed to the public, but their delicious bonbons, hot chocolate mixes and peppermint bark ($35) are available online.

The building where the Asheville Tea Company works its magic was a total loss in the flood. They have limited ability to ship teas but when you pre-order a gift box, the recipient will receive a card letting them know their gift is on the way. The Let it Snow gift box features the blends “Pisgah Breakfast,” “Snow Day” and “Asheville Grey.” ($45.95)

Ginger Frank started Poppy Hand-Crafted Popcorn with the idea of using real ingredients and creating fun, original flavors, like dill pickle and oatmeal cookie. In the beginning, she was slapping labels onto Ziploc bags. Ten years later, her business has expanded to sell popcorn across the country. The “Asheville Mix Artist Bag” ($7.25) supports not only Poppy Popcorn and its workers, but $2 from each bag goes to helping other Asheville entrepreneurs rebuild. It comes in an adorable bag featuring drawings by local artist Annie Riker.

For the art lover

Asheville’s River Arts District encompasses 26 historic industrial buildings that have been converted into studios, galleries and classrooms for more than 700 local artists. Flooding destroyed a majority of that space, with some artists losing entire bodies of work. While some parts of the district suffered less damage and have reopened for business, other spaces have to be completely rebuilt. In the meantime, many of the artists are offering their wares directly.

Moonlight Makers was born when Claire Watson moved next door to Nicole Hairfield. The two moms found themselves spending more than 50 hours a week together while their young children played, so they decided to make the most of that time. They are currently offering a line of Asheville-themed products like scented candles and T-shirts, and are donating 100% of profits to local hurricane relief efforts. All of their gifts are designed and screen-printed in Asheville by a staff of 10.

For more gift ideas, visit “Love Asheville from Afar,” a website from the local tourism development authority, Explore Asheville.


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